Chapter 10

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Hey hey *coughs* OK I'm just gonna stop but hey here's a new CHAPPY ENJOY MY WHELMED READERS!!!!!

~~~~Two weeks later~~~~

After two weeks have passed you and Jaime have started a relationship but Jaime knows how you are still a little sensitive towards things that happen as a couple. He knows what you've experienced with Thomas so he knows to take it easy on you. That's not the only thing, ever since the both of you became a couple you still haven't told the team after the argument that you all had.

Jaime didn't really want to tell them but yet he knew that you both had to. And you knew the same thing cause they still thought that the both of you are still mad at each other and its harsh to hide your feelings in front of everyone. So (y/n) and Jaime decided to tell the team about them but (y/n) did not know was that Thomas had something planned at the same moment when the both of you were going to tell the team. But let's not wait you and Jaime are preparing to tell the team about what has happen in between the both of you.

You were walking towards the kitchen within Mount Justice and when you got there you saw everyone there. While you were looking you saw Jaime when he turned around your eyes met and stared at each other. Until it was intreupted by Nightwing,"Hey princess you alright you've been looking at Jaime for a 2 minutes straight." Your eyes widened and you also blushed a little the team look at you especially Kim. "I umm .... I was just um ehh!???!"you tried to say something but failed.

Jaime saw that you were struggling so he decided to act now and just tell the team. He got up from where he was sitting, until he got you and hugged you and gave you a small kiss on your forehead. The team was shocked by this action that Jaime did to you while they were looking at you and Jaime, you his your blushing face in his chest. While he told you, "Esta bien mi amor no te preocupes no estas sola." This calmed you down then you heard someone speak up. "Wait..... Are the both of you dating?""Of course they are Kim why do you think they were both acting strange."jazzy said.

"But wait weren't the both of you mad at each other after the argument?" Tim said. "We were but umm we kind of well let's just say I had a small talk with my oppi and-" "Wait want does oppi mean?"Garfield asked. Then Bart responded," It means father Gar and I'm guessing she was talking with optimus and bumblebee about the whole situation and oh wait spoilers he he sorry."

"Well I expected you to know Bart and ya I did speak to both of them and they helped me figure out my feelings for Jaime but let's just say I was afraid for a bit about these feelings towards him but yet they helped me realize that Jaime might not harm and make me feel better and to also give love another chance. I'm actually glad I did cause if they didn't convince me then I might not have went to look for Jaime and apologize for what I said and admit my feelings towards him." You said.
"Si porque si no entonces we wouldn't have kissed eh mi amor." Jaime said.

This shocked everyone again then Wendy asked, "where did the both of you kiss exactly?" "Aqui"Jaime responded by giving me a quick kiss on my lips. His actions made blush because we were in front of everyone and once again the team was let's just say speechless. Until Kim, Cassie, Zatanna, Babs, Bumblebee (the one from yj not transformers),Megan, and Rocket all squealed and went towards me and immediately tackled me into a group hug. "Woah!!!!!?!" You said. The team started laughing at the sudden sight even you joined in.

They all started to congratulate the both of you for not only becoming teammates but also a couple after an year of getting along so well. But all good moments must come to an end and by end I mean getting intreupted by your phone. You were still laughing along with the others until you saw who was calling. When you saw who it was you not only paled but you got angry. Jaime noticed this and asked," Is everything alright mi mariposa?" "No no no its not alright Jaime its not alright." You said. "What's wrong (y/n/n)?" JJ asked. "Who's calling you (y/n)?" Domie asked. "He's calling me at the wrong moment he always does this to me each time I'm starting to have something better in my life." You said. "Who's he mi mariposa a quien te refieres ?" Jaime asked. You looked at him he was worried to who you were referring to. You had to tell him any time soon so you decided to just tell him now than later. You took a deep breath and spoke up.

"My ex-fiance Thomas is calling which means something bad is going to happen."


Hiya my whelmed readers I am so sorry for not updating for soooooooooooooo llllloooonnnngggg. School has me going nuts especially with the practice sat that I took this Thursday stressed me out.
UUGGGHHH I HATE JUNIOR YEAR But senior year is worse but still......
Soo in my last authors note I asked u all my fellow whelmed readers if I should do a face reveal or not and I have not gotten any responses but I'm waiting

So just let me know about that and well that's pretty much it .......

THANK YOU FOR 1.8K READS I know its not much but I'm happy to know my story is really enjoyable to read.

Welp that's pretty much it for now soooo..........

AS ALWAYS ........

~~AQUA OUTS🎉😍🙌😍🎉~~

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