Get away

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You know that moment you have somewhere in your life where you just ask yourself, why me?


For me? that would be right now.

People that suffer always do things that they regret later on. Take me for example - after we left our house; Mia and I didn't really know where to go, so me being the smartass I am, I thought it would be good to scavenger hunt. Well, a hunting to be exact.

I needed to blow off some steam so I decided to go through the most populated place I knew and just kill a bunch of infected people. Smart move from me obviously. I didn't think of Mia or anyone for that matter. Not even myself. I just went, got out the car and started killing them.

I thought it would help me get over the fact that it was their fault, but I didn't notice Mia wasn't in the car until she was screaming her heart out. She almost died that day. I almost got her killed that day. That's what I regret, not thinking straight. Letting my feelings take over me, and I know I shouldn't be blaming myself, but who else is there to blame exactly? It was only Mia and I.

That's what I think happened to Gretchen back there. She didn't think of anyone and just acted upon her feelings of grief.

"Hey, earth to Ace" Dan said waving his hand in front of my face taking my attention. Did he ask me something?

"Oh my bad, did you say something?" I asked him in a low tone while looking towards him briefly. I wasn't in the mood to talk, but Dan will be Dan so he doesn't notice. As always.

"Yeah I asked you if we could stop for a minute and eat. We haven't eaten since yesterday night." He said desperately. Oh shit I forgot. How could I forget that I haven't eaten?

Oh I don't know, only the fact that two people died and oh yeah you almost did too.

Of course all thoughts go back to what Gretchen did a couple hours ago. I still can't believe she almost killed me. I knew she would do something to me because of what happened, but not kill me. If it wasn't for Caleb I would be dead by now.

"Why didn't you remind me? I forgot Dan, my bad" I said putting my jacket back on while he pulled over the side of the road once again. I'm glad I'm inside the car now. The only reason I don't like being here is that Mia had to take my place. Up there with Gretch, she's out of control and I don't trust her with Mia; or anyone for that matter.

"Yeah we noticed. You were spaced out for a long time." Lucy chuckled underneath me which makes me feel bad since I know I'm not as light as Mia. I'm way heavier than her even if I don't seem like it. Mom always used to say that.

"Yeah well that's my specialty nowadays" I said jumping out the car turning towards the back to get where Mia was. Hopefully only words were exchanged and not fists between Gretch and Mia. Then we would actually have a problem.

I saw Mia jumping down from the roof to were I was and she still looked pissed. She cant believe that Gretch did that thing either.

"Anything happened up there?" I asked while standing in the back of the car opening the lock to get the food out. I looked towards my left and everyone was sitting down close to a tree. Far enough for me to talk with Mia.

"No, she was just glaring at me the whole time which only made me more mad." Mia answered while taking one of the duffle bags I passed towards her full of canned beans. Me taking out two water bottles.

"Yeah, I know about that." I said while walking towards them; sitting down next to Lucy. Mia took out three cans of beans and closed up the duffle bag.

"Why so little food?" Caleb asked looking towards the things then back at me. Does he actually think we have that much food to give out? Ha, funny.

"We have to share these two water bottles and the three cans of food if we want the the food to last alright?" I said opening the bottle and giving it to Lucy while Mia opened the first can giving it to Dan who sat next to her. Dan looks at her a lot. He looks about eighteen at the most; unlike Warren and Zara who looked to be in their twenties.

So ask him, dumbass.

"Dan, how old are you?" I asked hoping we were the same age or younger. The younger the better.
If he was gonna be looking at my sister like that well...he can't anyway.

"I turned seventeen two weeks ago" he said while passing the can to Caleb who sat a little further from him. The bruise, dirt and scratches on his face make him look older but still attractive in a dangerous kind off way. You're talking about the guy that's staring at your sister stop.

We all look older than we are actually. I look about twenty with all the dirt and bruises on my face, the only thing standing out being my hazel eyes. Same with Mia; she looks about seventeen with the dirt on her face, but her big forest green eyes don't let her look older than that. She always looked more like mom; with her green eyes, light brown hair and soft features. I looked more like dad; with my black hair, hazel eyes and sharp features. I was more bulky while she was lean. That being the product of training for twelve years. She'll be bulky in time too though.

"How old are you?" Dan asked back breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Eighteen" I said while Lucy passed me the can of food, but me being me I passed it to Mia without taking any. I'm not hungry.

"Eighteen?" Caleb nearly choked on his food. Was it that hard to believe? Did I really look that much older?

"I thought you were my age. Twenty two." Caleb added once he stopped having his mini seizure.

"How old do I look?" Mia asked beside me hoping someone would say eighteen. She always wanted to get her teenage years over with. Don't really know why. She's crazy.

"Seventeen?" Dan asked with hope in his eyes. If he doesn't calm his hormones down I will rip them in half. Woah, where did that come from? And can you even rip hormones in half? I'll make it happen.

"Fifteen" she smiled at him mentally thankful it was close to eighteen. He was shocked. Everyone was in shocked honestly. Dan silently coughed I think...relieved?

"Well I'm going to the roof. Caleb?" Gretchen said in a bored tone while looking at Caleb. He looked up then looked at me then back to her. He wants to talk about what happened. Bastard.

"Lemme finish here and I'll meet you there alright?" He said while she rolled her eyes and walked away. I hope she roles her eyes so far they'll stay there. Ok seriously where is this violence coming from.

"Yeah, I'm gonna talk to her for a minute" Lucy said standing up and following Gretch. Her now only child. Only family for that matter.

"Good luck" Mia muttered beside me making me push her slightly with my shoulder.

"Gretch is all Lucy has now. We have to respect that." I said giving Mia a knowing glance. She nodded and looked up at Caleb who had stood up and walked towards me. Oh god.

"We have to talk."

Now what do I have to deal with now.

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