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It's very hard to keep awake. I don't know what hour it is, I don't know how much time had passed since we left the shack and I have no idea if the gas would last until Texas. To say that I was worried would be an understatement. Overthinking can kick you in the gut sometimes.

I was still on top of the car; hoping I would fall asleep. I couldn't though; for the simple fact that I had to guard, but I can't help myself. Tossing and turning every five seconds didn't really did much help because:

A. I was on top of a car which is uncomfortable. Obviously.

B. The wind was briefly strong which always creeped me out. Noises would pop up out of nowhere. Mini heart attacks were normal right now.

and lastly

C. I was almost out of ammo for this type of gun. The only gun that has the 'silent' shots. We only left our house with one round of it. Stupid? Yes. On purpose? No. It was moms gun, and she had used it a lot before we left. Meaning there was no ammo for the gun if it were to be empty of it.

Meaning I was worried about everything right now.

Also meaning Mia had to use knives now. Which is not her specialty.

Meaning I had to teach her how to properly use one without stabbing herself.

I was definitely not exited about that. Mia was an inpatient person so if she doesn't get it right by the second try she'll punch the first thing she sees. Now that I think about it Dan is always close to her. Not a bad idea after all.

Sleep was finally catching up to me making my body feel heavy, and me fighting to stay awake only gave me a headache. So I stuck with laying on my back the rest of the night, and if I heard anything I would just sit up and check it out. Hopefully not because once again, ammo is very important. My stomach suddenly growled which made me have another mini heart attack thinking it was something else. I really want food right now. I now regret not eating some beans with the group. I guess everything will catch up to me sooner or later anyway.

With the thought of food in my mind I climbed off the roof and got the keys to the lock out of my pocket. I stood there for a minute looking at my fathers work and remembered how he did it. He was in the garage while I was sitting next to him handing him the tools he needed. I remember he put one of his favorite songs while working, and I sang along while he checked if his masterpiece had worked. He was so happy when it did. Bragged about it for weeks.

I walked towards it and unlocked it trying to make the least amount of noise. It was a thick chain; if I dropped it, it would wake everyone up in an instant. Once the chain was out of the way I silently opened the trunk. Everything was so organized. Curtesy of Mia of course.

I opened the first duffle bag and took out a granola bar. I immediately started eating it basically looking like a total pig while doing it. The bar was melted for the most part since its been in the hot car for days. The hot car being the result of no rain making the car feel like a tiny oven if you didn't have your windows down.

Good car though. My dad only loved jeeps. Don't ask me why because I have no answer for that. This one was a beat up, black 1990 Cherokee. I loved this car. Almost gave it a name even. Never got around to it though.

I closed up the trunk and locked the chain in front of it, and then I heard something coming from Lucy's car. I whipped my head around so quickly I thought i had just experienced whiplash, but there was nothing. Everything was quiet and calm. With a curious expression on my face I climbed up to the roof; laying on my back once again.

I couldn't help but feel like I had forgotten something, but the thoughts were quickly shoved in the back of my head as I fell asleep.


Short chapter yes I know.
It's only a filler so I can update tomorrow.
DONT LEAVE ME PLEASE I SWEAR ILL UPDATE AN ACTUAL GOOD CHAPTER TOMORROW. Or later tonight since I'm basically a vampire and never sleep.

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