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"Hey, look. Is that an ambulance?" I said looking out the window of the car; which was very difficult. It was currently night time and everything was so dark. I couldn't see further than the lights in front of the car.

"Slow down Dan, we have to see if that's an ambulance. It could have things inside still." Mia said while squishing her face in the window as well. The seating charts have changed and Lucy decided to be on the roof with the devils spawn and Caleb. Dan was still driving though, there's no way I would let Mia sit on his lap while I drive. Ta ta Dan, ta ta.

"I am driving slow, but I'll pull over behind it." Dan said while swerving the car a bit to the right so we could be directly behind the ambulance. With the lights in the front of the car still on -since without them we would basically see nothing-Dan turned off the motor but let the keys in the ignition just in case something goes down.

Which probably won't happen since the town that we were driving through right now was basically a ghost town. No people, no infected, no lights on. Ghost town.

"If the ambulance still works we can give it to Lucy so she can drive with Caleb and Gretchen instead of staying in the roof of this car." Dan said while closing the door of the car and walking towards us behind the ambulance.

"What's going on?" Lucy said appearing behind me with a knife in hand.

"We wanna check if there's something useful in the ambulance, plus if it works you can drive it." I said facing her, checking if Caleb and Gretchen were with her. They were in the roof apparently. Hopefully not doing the act of baby making because that's just a no in my car. I think I actually gaged when I thought that.

"Yeah, sure." Lucy said while walking next to me. The four of us now on a vertical line looking at the back of the ambulance. The car lights can only show so much since it was so damn dark.

"I'll be right back." Dan said while turning around and walking towards the back of my car. He climbed to the roof and was currently talking to Caleb. I think. Can't see clearly right now. 

I can't see who is who, but the only thing I know for sure is that Gretchen and Caleb were now kneeling towards the ambulance still on the roof of my car with they're bow and arrows in hand ready to attack. Alright then. Dan actually has some sense. Speaking of Dan, he was now walking back towards us with a boyish grin on his face. Did I miss something?

I looked at the direction he was smiling at and I almost went full sister protection mode. Mia was just standing there -not knowing what the heck was happening- looking at the back doors of the ambulance. Yeah, you keep doing that Dan. First Gretchen and Caleb, now Dan and my sister? No thanks.

With that though in mind I positioned myself in front of Dan so he would not reach my sister, because I'm Ace and there's no way Ace will let anything happen here. I'm talking about myself in third person. Great, now I've gone mad.

"What did you tell them?" I asked Dan who was barely trying not to look at Mia that now was talking with Lucy. I could see his eyes trying to sneak a glance without me noticing since it was so dark.

"I told them to guard us if anything pops out when we open those doors; which by the way, how are we gonna open them?" He asked now giving me his full attention crossing his arms in the progress. I looked back at the doors then back at him trying to think of how we were gonna do that. Well damn.

"The doors are unlocked. I saw the key hole and it had been jacked. There's probably nothing there, but we can still try and get it to work so that Lucy can drive it." Mia was talking, now next to me. Which of course was so convenient to Dan since he was just burning his eyes into her soul, but she wasn't looking at him. Ta ta Dan, ta ta.

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