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Dear Valerie Taylor,

Your name is a name that rings a bell to everyone's ears at Sweet Hills High. The guys worship you as you're recognized as the Kendall Jenner junior of our school, with your slim physique, long hair and model like posture when you're strolling around the school's field and the girls envy you for grabbing the attention of the guys they're interested in.

It is often said not to judge a book by its cover but I think that rule does not apply to you at all. For not only do you have a great cover image, but also great contents that most people haven't read yet.

Your teachers complain about you having a messy handwriting and making sarcastic comments, your parents grumble on you being a night owl, your friends make a fuss on the fact that you speak quicker than average, your neighbors go on about hearing you scream swear words at your window but let me tell you a little scientific fact that might delight you; those are the qualities of intelligent people.

You may have a messy handwriting and but you're the most organized person I know. You take care of our class like it's your room, arranging the desks and chairs daily after dismissal. You may make sarcastic comments and people may mistake it as rudeness but you have a heart of gold. You may speak quicker than others but that only proves your brain works faster than the average and how expressive you can get. Swear words might be your only form of expression but I've recently read on a blog that swearing is a way of making friends because it shows a relaxed atmosphere and happiness and actually draws people close to you.

I savvy that beneath that thick layer of sarcasm and torn denim of yours, there lays a girl with a good attitude and an addiction to puns. You're the living validation to the hoax stereotypes of blondes being less intelligent. You excel at mathematics and invariably lend a helping hand to those weaker in the subject.

But perhaps the thing that makes me carry a torch for you the most is your confidence and how you're able to pull off short – clothes, despite what others say. You feel comfortable showing your skin and showcasing the poetical features that the universe has gifted you with, which is something I along with several other girls feel nervous about doing.

You are a paradox; you may look tough on the outside, but you have a soft spot for everyone. You may curse all day; but your curses equals to the number of compliments you give out. You are full of intellect but you still remain humble; the world needs more people like you.

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