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Dear Noelle Elizabeth,

They say that the eyes are the windows to a person's soul. If that is true, then your soul must be serene and cleansed of society's thunderstorms because of the heavenly rain that pours out of your exquisite deep blue eyes.

I found you fascinating from the time your name was unfolded in our grade as the reclusive girl who buries her ears in headphones, and hides her emotions with wistful expressions. As I learned more about you, I knew the reasons behind your doings. I wouldn't claim I know your stories for there are always lines and paragraphs of our story that we'd never share with anyone, but I do think I understand you.

The songs you listen to are the parts of your stories that you aren't willing to share. You hear the tune to smooth your clustered mind, but the lyrics speak to you. Those lyrics are the parts of you that you only show your trusted friends (and I understand that you don't have trust issues; people just have lying issues), and I'm honored to be one of them.

As someone who you don't feel the need to hide your lovely personality from, I think you're a person with great potential to achieve things beyond the bounds of possibilities. You're energetic and when you're elevated about something, you perform your dance of joy like nobody's watching and that's the real you.

Your acquaintances find it uncanny that you bring a photo album to school, but they're unaware your photo album is the only traces you have left of your father before his soul aligned with the stars. They're unaware of how that's the reason you're absorbed in stargazing and always lose yourself in overwhelming deep thoughts. They're unaware that he is the reason you watch eighties movies and still make mix tapes. They're unaware you wrap yourself in his leather jacket and find the classics spellbinding because those were the things he loved. They don't know you personally, so don't take their words personal.

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