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You remembered me as an outcast that grew attached to human interactions because of Violetta as I remembered you as a hopeless romantic that grew into a powerful girl who doesn't need amorousness to complete her, all because of Neptune. Love may have changed me for the good, but you changed me for the better. Without your letter of encouragement and assurance, I would still be the infamous flirt; the one afraid to love. I hope Violetta wouldn't mind me saying this, but Laurette, your heart of gold is going to make dozens crazy for you.

- Santiago Franco

If my playlist defines me then I am certain that your reading list defines you. You dwell in your rousing novels; the ones written to ignite the spark of confidence in teens and perhaps that's why you have that poise which I lack. You aren't petrified to stand up for what you believe in (even if it means standing alone) and oh, how that has been my wish over the past half - decade. If only I was able to explain to the curious what my true intentions and stories was; perchance they'd empathize and not criticize. But you Laurette, were the one person who understood me without my explanation and I regret not getting to know you when I had the chance to.

- Noelle Elizabeth

Talk about finding my long lost twin. For years I've venerated films with plots of finding long lost siblings and it had only been surreal to me until now. You and I share a common atypical interest towards pineapples on pizzas; we both have had heartbreaks that gave us a setback, only to be returned with a greater comeback and we not only bonded through our joy but also what we used to think to consider as our issues but are now our advantage. I am contented to know that I no longer have to be ashamed of what's in my mind but rather embrace it, all because you were an example to me. I hope we never stop being friends because I need

- Marven Mace

Aw honey, how darling of you to praise me as the queen bee of our school. I merely consider myself as a normal, let alone Kendal Jenner junior. Although it was flattering to hear you say that to me because I haven't had a girl - friend in a while now; girls look at me as an attention seeker rather than expressive but I suppose it wasn't all their fault either; I have never reached out to them bearing in mind that I'm unable in to blend in, but that could easily been mistaken as having too much pride to not be friends with them. However, you made my flaws seem like fine art and I am determined to keep your words in mind at my new school.

- Valerie Taylor

You described me in effervescent shades and I think it's only fair if I described you too. You would be the ideal definition of black and white because there aren't shades to them; they are two perfect individual and that's exactly who you are; an independent individual that has a clear visual of what she wants in life. Sure, there will be colors of despair that would be poured into your life, but no matter what color mix with black, black would endure as itself. And perhaps there will also be undesirable lights shone in your way to cheerfulness but a mixture of lights would only result in white. So embrace the black and white of your life and never stay in the grey zone for too long.

- Chandler Fletcher

Upon hearing that some of my close friends received an appreciation letter from you, I was disenchanted that I wasn't one of the lucky ones. But how could I blame you when I was the foolish boy who took your love for granted. Frankly, there isn't a single thing about me that needs appreciation because I never loved you the way you loved me. In all honesty, I have never loved anyone the way they loved me because I'm afraid of falling. Since I was little, my dad taught me to "never love someone more than they love you because in the end you only get hurt" after he gave his all to my mom but it only resulted in her leaving us for someone richer, someone who is able to provide her financial support. But I can't blame him either, for he was willing to give her everything, but I was never willing to give up my bad habits for you. Perhaps that was the reason I gave you up instead for you deserve the entire galaxy but I'm merely a star.

Laurette Luna, thank you for being the first girl that was significant in my life, thank you for teaching me about love, thank you for showing me how you can forgive someone even after they break you several times and thank you for being you, because you're strong, smart, loving and beautiful. It's nice to write to you after so long so I guess this is hello, but this is also goodbye..

- Neptune Frederick

Laurette's heart beat as if it was about to jump out of her chest. For the past year she was concerned that she would be forgotten by her high school. After all, she would always decline invites to hangouts and she showed no signs of a good friend to anyone but Ramona; she was convinced no one cared about her departure. But reading those letters proved her wrong. Reading those letters made her realize there were people that loved her all along.

High school films has gotten Laurette so caught up in forming romantic relationships that she forgot just how pleasant platonic ones could be. So in the process of trying to change everyone else' perspectives, Laurette's perspective was changed too..

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