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Dear Violetta Raleigh,

I was exhilarated when I scrolled over my feed and came across a Valentine's Day make – up look you invented. The way you captured the essence of this occasion and painted them as a fine work of art over the crease and petals of your lips was artistry. Anyone who doesn't find elegance in your looks has the intelligence of a wooden plank.

The silly boys may think you're merely having fun with colors splashed on your face, much like the Indian occasion Holi, but they don't the stories behind you and your looks. They don't know the shade of lipstick you wear is in the color of your blood; the same blood that boiled with anger when the sixth graders attacked your little brother who was known as an outcast, and you stood up for him.

They don't know that the unparalleled eyeliners you wear remind you of the wing of the planes that flew you to a land of marvelous memories; memories that stayed with you and impacted you into becoming the person you are today; a strong, artistic, creative girl who wouldn't let the opinions of the immature take her down; a girl that deserve all good things because she reminds me of the sun; she hide away but always come back even more beautiful than before.

They don't know that applying make – up is your passion; your way of enhancing your sublime cheekbones and the bridge of your curved nose. They don't know that you take a particular fascination in water – proof make – up, not because you want to keep your blemish hidden all day but because it makes the thrill of dancing in the rain more enjoyable. They don't know that you love to post gorgeous selfies of yourself because photographs are a record of who we are and you want to leave pieces of yourself in the form of pixels.

They think you don't excel in your studies because you spend most of your hours within an abundance of beauty products, but they don't know you're street smart and when it comes to knowledge on the society, they'd fail at the first step they take. They don't know the depths of you; the exquisite soul behind your outer appearance; they don't know the things that make you, you.

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