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Dear Santiago,

It's spring and that means love is in the air! Except, for you your love sits right beside you in your math class but you choose to shut your eyes and be oblivious to the fact that she's as in love with as you are with her. I know the thought of jumping into a relationship filled with love, and being left with nothing but a broken heart sucks, but that shouldn't stop you from believing in true love.

I remember when you first joined our school and confessed to our teacher that you felt like an outsider. But as soon as our teacher placed Violetta next to you, you battled the noises of the pigeons outside our class windows, with the sound of your chats and shrieks with her, because she makes you feel comfortable and able to be yourself.

Your friend once questioned why you take an interest in leading all the girls on, and you revealed that it's better to break hearts than to be heart – broken but I disagree. When you're heart – broken, you acquire knowledge and experience and learn to be careful with who you trust and love. But when you break someone's heart, the guilt stays with you and the pain and regret once they find someone who gives them proper comfort would haunt you.

So do yourself a favor and take a leap of faith. Start believing in romance like it's your first time. Don't be afraid that she wouldn't find your vivid, flamboyant hair attractive, don't be afraid that she would find your deep fondness for puppies peculiar because it's adorable. Don't be afraid that the outdated vine references you make would make her hackle rise because she's going to make outdated references that you'll grow to love and accept too. Lastly, be tired of all the things you want in this world, but don't be tired of love because anyone that has looked into your earth colored eyes knows they're filled with passion and desire. Don't let one broken heart stop you from finding love.

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