Ch. 5 Snakeweed

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Chapter 5

It’s been a week since I haven’t been up in the streets, which days I spent playing video games with Mikey and reading Raph’s comics whenever he didn’t see me, which if he did then I’m pretty sure he would dislike me even more.

I didn’t really know what his problem was after all these days I’ve spent with them, he just seemed troubled, all of his actions towards me completely bizarre. When he wasn’t staring thinking I didn’t notice, he was glaring when I look at him, even when I made funny comments at Donnie or cheered with Mikey after beating him he seemed to grow even more untrusting of me.

I rip my gaze off him and jump into the air doing a flip before landing gracefully on the other rooftop, after a week of me holding back in the lair while they did patrolling, I was now able to join them.

Thanks to Donnie agreeing with me that this case was important, people missing, and now we knew who, or what was capturing them.

A giant weed mutant ran ahead of us as we chased after him, named after Michelangelo, his name was Snakeweed.

We jumped down to the streets running after him, he passes by a young teenager boy in a motorcycle and snatches him up taking him away.

“No! not the pizza guy! Take Donnie!” Michelangelo yells behind me, Donatello, who is running besides me, sends his brother a small glare.

“Snakeweed is getting away!” Donnie grunts fastening his space, I push myself faster and catch up to Leonardo and Raph who were on the lead.

Snakeweed turns into an alleyway and Leonardo stops pointing upwards.

“Come on, let’s get him from the top and tie him up with the clothesline!” he exclaims starting to climb the building to our right, we all hop in but Raphael, who stays down.

“He is gonna get away we need to go straight and smash him!” he exclaims trying to change Leo’s mind who glares back at his brother defiantly.

“We take him from the top.” Leonardo states clearly upset by his rebel brother who groans but starts climbing.

When we get on the rooftop and glance towards the alley between the buildings, Snakeweed is nowhere to be seen.

 “And the award for the worst leader goes to-“ Raphael comments, his dark sarcasm resurfacing once again.

“How am I the worst leader?” Leonardo breaks him off sentence facing him.

“If we did this my way, Snakeweed would be toast by now.” Raphael barks back.

“Man, that sounds like nasty toast.” Michelangelo comments gaining a soft nudge from me and getting pulled back from the brother’s fight by Donatello.

“Stop second guessing my orders!” Leonardo yells back inching closer to Raph.

“Well, don't make bad orders and I won't second guess them!” Raphael growls.

“You know what, Raph. You think you can lead the team better than me, well go ahead.” Leonardo challenges.

“First good idea you've had all day!” Raph responds, the tension growing bigger as they glare at each other.

“We'll compromise. I'll lead.” Michelangelo speaks, resulting in Leo and Raph glaring at him angrily, Mikey walks away nervously.

“Good, the team is yours I’m out of here.” Leonardo huffs finally turning around and walking away, I hesitate whether to follow him or be led by Raphael.

“I can't believe he's gone!” Mikey sighs putting his hand over his face.

“It's okay, Mikey. Leo, well, he just needs some space...” Donnie explains patting his brother’s shoulder.

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