1 | Purple

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Rakim Mayers

I let out a deep breath and I turned off the radio, then said a quick prayer as I removed my key from out of the ignition. I had finally arrived at Crystal's house. Lord knows I hate dealing with her, but I was only here for one reason, which was to get my son. Me and Crystal had already agreed that I could keep him this weekend. My plan was to come and get him and a weekend worth of clothes, then leave.

Knowing Crystal though, it won't be that easy.

She'll of course try and pretend that she never agreed on me coming to get him, and make up an excuse to not let him go with me. I can already picture what she will say when I knock on the door.

"I don't want my son around any weed, make sure you feed him, and I want him back home Sunday night 'cause he got preschool Monday morning."

He might be my first child, but damn, how stupid did she think I was? Of course I smoke, there's no hiding that. Hell, the whole world knows I smoke, but around my son? I would never expose him to that. I smoke on my own time. I've never smoked around him, and I never plan on doing so.

Secondly, she couldn't be serious about the food. What the fuck do I look like not feeding my son? Come on now. I wouldn't go three days without feeding myself, so why would I do my son like that? Crystal pisses me off with the stupid shit she says sometimes.

Especially what she says to other people about me.

I find it unfair that I'm trying to do the right thing, but no matter how hard I try, she tries to keep me from doing so. I'm tired of always being seen as the bad guy, especially with the 'deadbeat' stereotype constantly flying around. Unlike some of these no good niggas out here, calling them self men, but cant take care of their children, I actually want to be apart of my child's life.

I want my son to know that I was there, or at least tried to be even though his bitter ass mother tried everything she could to keep me from him.

Once getting out the car and locking it, I made my way to the front door. As soon as I knocked on the door, Crystal was at the door no more than a minute later. I had to admit, she looked gorgeous as hell, but nothing would make me want to go back to her.

"Hey," she said plainly as she stood in the door way, acting as if she didn't want want to let me in.

"Wassup," I replied as I stuffed my hands in my pockets. "My son?"

"What about him?" she asked with an attitude.

"Crystal don't even sit there and act like you don't remember talking about letting me pick him up this weekend."

"Oh yeah."

I rolled my eyes as she pulled back the door, then let me inside the house. Once inside, I stood by the door and waited for him to appear with his over night bag. I didn't even bother sitting down or getting comfortable. Once I had my son, we were out.

After Crystal called him down, he came downstairs with a blank expression on his face, but when he saw me, his facial expression instantly changed. He was obviously happy to see me. A smile spread across my face, cause I too, was happy, to see him.

"Daddy!" he yelled.

"Wassup dude," I greeted him as we fist pounded each other.

"Cameron go upstairs and get the Avenger book bag I packed for you last night," Crystal said as she pulled him away from me.

"I can go with Daddy?"

"Only if you be good."

He instantly ran upstairs, to I'm guessing, to get his bag. As soon as Cameron left out of the room, me and Crystal immediately looked at each other. She looked like she had some shit to say, but walked away towards the couch to 'straighten up'. She grabbed the different pillows aligned on the couch, and rearranged them.

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