6 | Purple

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Rakim Mayers

The next morning, I took my favorite person out to eat for breakfast. Cameron could barely see over the table, so I of course requested a booster seat for him. Unfortunately, the person that would be accompanying us today was a woman, but she got the booster seat in no time. I hated women waiters because they always felt the need to do the most.

I'm so tired of women practically throwing themselves at me. It gets old after a while. Once the woman took our order, she was on her way. Cameron was busy coloring on the sheet of paper they provided for him as I watched. For a three year old, he stayed in between the lines pretty well, and I always thought it was cute how serious he was when it came to his coloring projects.

"What is that a picture of you're coloring?" I asked as I took a closer look.

"I'm not coloring, I'm drawing," he replied.

Well excuse me.

"I'm sorry don't beat me up," I cried.

Cameron giggled as he reached over the table and patted my arm.

"Don't worry, I won't."

"Whew," I wiped my forehead as he chuckled. "But you never did tell me what you're drawing."

"It's a surprise!" he yelled. "You can't look until I'm finished."

He quickly grabbed the box of napkins that sat at the edge of the table, closest to the wall, and placed them in between us. I'm guessing it was to prevent me from seeing, but I could still look over it. I of course pretended that I couldn't.

"I'm sorry!" I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he shooed me away.

Shortly after Cam was done drawing the picture he was creating, the waiter came back to the table with our food. After saying grace, we dug straight in. Once we were done eating, I paid the bill, then left a nice tip. Surprisingly, we actually had a pretty cool waiter. After leaving a tip, Cameron explained to me that he didn't want me to see the picture he drew until later on. Just to make him happy, I followed his wishes as we made our way back to the car.

After bumping the clean version of my album Long. Live. ASAP, and having Cameron dancing along to it in the backseat, we arrived at the nearest mall in no time. I unfortunately had to take my little man home today, but not until another six hours. Getting Cameron nothing but the best, and more than enough, was a good way to kill time.

Once picking him up a few pairs of Nikes, and a couple of outfits from kids GAP, I took him to Toys-R-Us. Lord knows he didn't need any more toys, but I couldn't help but to spoil my mini me.

When arriving at the toy store, he instantly went crazy. From throwing practically everything his little arms could reach - inside the cart, to riding around on the bikes and scooters, he never wanted to leave. Although my ass was entirely too big to be riding on them, Cam eventually convinced me to ride on them with him.

After purposely letting him win every race, it was time to start heading towards check out.

I of course wasn't hauling all of the toys Cam put into the cart - to my car and to Crystal's house, so we put some back. Crystal would go completely off if she found out I bought him all them toys. Cam ended up settling on his top five, and an Avengers bike that he just had to have.

Once checking out, and hauling his new bike to the car, I bought him some ice cream as a 'big boy' treat. I was upset that I had to finally take him home, but at least the car ride to Crystal's house would give me an opportunity to talk to him.

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