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Rakim Mayers

Once arriving at The Cheesecake Factory, I was surprised to see that the place was packed. Considering the fact that today was a Tuesday, a weekday, I was shocked. If I was a normal person, it would have been hell waiting for an table, and waiting to get service, but with me obviously being a celebrity, I got me and Raven a table in time.

I of course sometimes felt bad for using my 'name' as an advantage for everything, but luckily at the same time, I can say I'm a pretty humble person. Although it gets annoying getting treated as if I was some God, knowing that I'm far from one, the treatment I got was pretty cool.

For the most part.

Once thing I absolutely hate is paparazzi. Some celebrities that fell off, or was never 'hot' in the first place sometimes wish that paparazzi followed their every move, so they could at least seem as if they are relevant, but I wasn't there. Yet. I know my time to 'retire' or 'fall off' is going to eventually come, but that time wasn't here yet. As long as I'm still hot, and I still have attention, paparazzi are of course going to broadcast my every move.

It gets annoying after awhile, but at least it's a way of me knowing that I'm still holding y'all niggas attention.

"Oh my God that was crazy!" Raven yelled as she placed her hand over her chest, in hopes of catching her breath.

I had to of course push through tons of paparazzi and fans just to get to the table our waiter led us to. And even though we were now at the table, people still felt the need to watch us as if their favorite tv show was on or something. Sometimes I just felt like pulling a Kanye move and spazzing out on everybody.

The one thing I hated more than anything was when people looked at me for long periods of time. I know I'm sexy, but damn.

"Eh. I'm use to it," I laughed as I opened the menu that the waiter provided for me.

"How? My little ass just almost got trampled!" she chuckled as she opened her menu also.

"You over exaggerating! You know I had you the whole time. As long as you had my hand, nothing was gone happen to you."

"Whatever Kimmy," she rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "What are you ordering?"

"I don't know yet. You?"

"I don't know either. Everything is really expensive!"


"I don't want you spending money on me just because you have it. I'll get something in a reasonable price range."

"You serious dude?" I laughed. "Vinny you know you my nigga. Whatever you want, I got you."

"Rocky you sure?"

"Raven of course."

Once Raven felt as if she was done arguing with me, we both flagged down a waiter and put in our drink and meal orders. Of course the waiter got us our drinks in no time, but our meals of course needed prep time. Although I extremely hungry, I didn't mind waiting.

At least waiting on our food would at least give me time to talk to Raven.

"So what's been up with you?" I asked Raven as I swirled my straw around in my drink.

"What you mean?" she smiled as she did the same. She hadn't even took a sip of her drink since she got it.

"Nigga I haven't seen your ass since I don't know when! You better speak up!"

"Rakim you know me. I'm an open book. What ever you want to know just ask."

"Well, how was the college life for you?"

"Oh God. It was crazy! I ended up dropping out sophomore year."

"Dropping out? I would have never imagined! For what?"

"I had never been exposed to so much weed in my entire life!"

"What?" I laughed, shocked.

Raven was always the goody two shoes back in high school. I would have never expected, her out of all people, to be smoking weed.

"Kimmy it was crazy! I ended up developing relationships with the wrong type of people, and began hanging out with the wrong crowd. I got addicted to partying and smoking weed easily, and my grades started slipping. One thing led to another, and it all just got too much yo keep up with, so I left."

"Damn Raven!"

"I know. Don't rub it in my face. I know it was a stupid move, and I regret it. I'll eventually go back ot school to get a degree, but I just haven't gotten around to it. My parents spent all that money on me to go chase some dream that I didn't even ultimately end up achieving."

"What were you going to school for?"

"Honestly Rakim, I have no idea. I went into college with the wrong mind set. I think that's what fucked me up in the long run. What I wanted to be changed so much, I was like a child that didn't know what they wanted."

"Damn. So what now?"

"Thank God you gave me the job! Rakim I know we're friends and all, but you do not know how much this means to me. I promise you I will be the best personal assistant you will ever have."

I laughed as I took a sip of my Sierra Mist.

"Oh please. Don't even sweat it. I gave you the job because I knew you would be the right person for the spot anyways."

"Thanks," she smiled. "Soon, I'll now be able to bring income home along with my boyfriend. It sucked not being able to bring something to the table you know?"

"Yeah I feel you. It's nothing like that feeling of being able to say that you can provide for your own. Don't ever depend on anyone else."

"Yes! Luke thinks that just because he's 'the man of the house', that he is the only one allowed to work. Like, nigga I don't care if 'you got me'. I'm going to have myself before anything!"

"I feel you," I laughed. "How did y'all come about anyways?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I remember before we graduated, you were with someone else. Y'all was talking about marriage too. What happened?"

"Oh, Nicolas?" she chuckled. "That was short lived. Long story short, some people were meant to grow together, other, were meant to grow apart. Us? We unfortunately were the ones to grow apart. He's a nice guy, but .."

Raven shrugged her shoulders as I nodded my head to let her know I understood. I still wish I knew the whole story, and the reason why, but I won't rush into things.

I expected her to question me about Crystal, but she never did. She just instead told me about how happy she was with her new boyfriend Luke. Considering how rude he was to me when she introduced us, I didn't see what was so special about him. But of course, if she was happy, I was happy for her.

Once receiving our food and eating up, I took her home.

She luckily didn't live too far from here, so I got to her hone and dropped her off in no time. Luke of course felt the need to make his presence known when I dropped her off, but I didn't care. He could try to intimidate me all he wanted, but. wasn't scared of him.

He was just mad because me and Raven had a better relationship than they currently had.

Once telling Raven goodbye, and notifying her that she should expect a call sometime tomorrow morning about her first assignment as my personal assistant, I was out. Today was a long and stressful day, and I just needed rest. Especially since tomorrow would be even more long and stressful.

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