14 | Purple

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Raven Andrews

I let out a long, quiet sigh as I stared into the mirror that sat in front of me, mounted to the dresser. Me and Luke were still in bed, but the dresser was exactly next to the bed, giving me an opportunity to look into the mirror every day after waking up. Myself wasn't the only person I saw though of course. Luke was still snoring, with his arms wrapped around my torso.

I tried to softly and quietly remove his arms from around me, so I could sneak out and to Rakim's, but that was obviously a fail. I instantly cursed to myself as he caught me dead in my tracks.

"What you think you doing?" he asked as his tone became louder. "You leaving me?"

"Baby I have to wash up and get to work."

"Work? With that one nigga you know I don't like? Raven get your ass back in this bed."

Luke forcefully pulled me back in bed with him. I felt as if I was some rag doll, and my arm now stung with pain. I was afraid of Luke, but I tried not to let it show. He loved seeing me weak and knowing that he could easily control me.

"Baby did you like last night?" he whispered his hot breath onto my neck as he softly began to suck on my skin.

"Of course daddy," I lied.

I knew Luke was referring to the sex that we had last night, but there was nothing about it to like. As much as me and Luke have sex, I don't even get a feeling from sex anymore. I feel as I'm his own personal porn star. The things that I do during sex is just for show to make him happy.

Ever since I became 'fixed', Luke thought that it was a free pass to stick his man hood inside me when ever he pleased.

"You know I love you right?" he breathed once he felt as if he was done leaving a big enough hickey on my neck.

"Yes daddy."

"Say it back then," he demanded as I suddenly felt his hand creep into my cotton shorts.

"I love you daddy."

"You never gone leave me?"

"I'm never gonna leave you."

"Your pussy is all mine?"

"My pussy is all yours," a slight moan escaped my lips as he slipped his fingers into me.

I hated how every now and then he did manage to get a genuine moan from out of me. I felt as if I was a slave to someone who I didn't even want to be a slave to. I wasn't even attracted to Luke anymore. When I first met Luke, of course I was honestly attracted to him, but the deeper we got into our relationship, or what ever the hell this is, the more things started to change.

I was forced to believe that Luke was one of those people who had an very abnormal sex drive. And whenever he didn't get his way, everything also turns physical.

Once finally given the permission to go wash my body, I quickly did, threw on some presentable clothes, along with a scarf to try and hide my hickey, then I was out the door. I was at Rakim's in no time, and surprised to see him wide awake. Normally he would complain about how he needs his sleep.

Sometimes I hated coming over too early because I knew it bothered him, but sometimes I badly need to have his presence around me. Rakim gave me a sense of comfort, knowing that I could trust him with anything. I badly just wanted to spill to him everything that was going on behind closed doors that he didn't know about, but apart of me was afraid to.

"Wassup Vinny?" he greeted me with a hug once letting me in.

"Hey," I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his body too. "I'm surprised your ass is up."

"I couldn't sleep last night," he shrugged.

"You know what they say .."

"Nah, what they say?" he chuckled with a rise of his eyebrows as he closed and locked the door behind me.

I felt the need to get comfortable on his couch, and he did the same.

"When ever you can't sleep, it's because you're awake in someone's dreams."

"Oh for real? I wonder who dreaming of my sexy ass then."

"Oh shut up," I laughed as I pushed him away from me. "Cocky ass."

"I have a reason to be don't I? I mean look at me, I'm Rakim motherfucking Mayers."

"Who ever told your nappy headed ass that you was sexy definitely lied to you," I laughed.

"We got jokes now huh?" said Rakim as he suddenly tackled me.

"Get off of me dude," I laughed as I tried to push him from off top of me.

It was obviously no use though. He was ten times stronger than me, and of course he laughed as he watched my little ass try to force him off of me. Eventually I gave up, and laughed too. Everything suddenly became quiet as we both ironically stopped laughing at the exact same time. Then the tension between us grew as I found him staring into my eyes. The effect he now had on me made me want him to stay on top of me.

I then noticed his eyes shift away from mine as they suddenly traveled down my body.

"What's this?" he asked as he then moved my scarf.

"Oh my God no!" I practically yelled as I quickly covered my neck back up, then push him off of me as my first instinct.

"Oh shit. Was that a hickey I saw?" he half chuckled as his eyes widened.

"N-No," I quickly managed to get out.

"Homeboy Luke thought the neck was too good huh?" he laughed again. "Oh shit. Did you catch that? I crack myself up."

I rolled my eyes as I folded my arms. Rakim could be so childish. Do you know how embarrassing that was? Especially during a moment like that? Everything period right now was awkward, and I just loved the fact that he thought everything was funny.

"You mad bro?" he smiled as he playfully punched my arm.

When he saw that I was serious, his smile faded.

"Oh come on Vinny. We been best friends for how long? Where the hell did your sense of humor go?" he asked as his cell phone suddenly began to ring.

I watched as he rolled his eyes, then picked up the phone. It was probably an important call that he needed to answer anyways. It was most likely Sylvia. Once he was off the phone, he let out a long sigh.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Cameron's mom."

"Crystal right?"

"Yeah. She said I need to be at her house as soon as possible. It's always something new with her," he rolled his eyes.

"How serious did she sound?"

"She just said be there as soon as possible she doesn't care if I bring you or not, just come when I can," he shrugged his shoulders.

"What the fuck Rakim! What if it's serious? What if something happened to your son? Let's go!" I yelled as I grabbed both his cellphone and keys before he could.

"Raven man, chill," he said calmly as he pulled me down into his lap.

"Rakim why am I more concerned about your son than you are? That doesn't sound right. Neither did what you just told me she said. Let's go!"

He sighed as the both of us then got up, and headed towards the door.

What ever it was, I hope it wasn't too serious. Especially since Rakim's ass was acting as if it was just 'Crystal being Crystal'. Although I've only been knowing Crystal and Cameron for a short amount of time, and I sensed something was off with her, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't lie about their son.


early update, check my message board for why .. but enjoy! you guys know what to do ..

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