5 | Purple

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Rakim Mayers

After placing in our order and shortly receiving our food, I couldn't wait to tell Q who I saw and what happened in the line. Q knew exactly who Raven was, and was surprised that she had a new boyfriend. Q was just surprised as I was. He been thought Raven and her other boyfriend got married, but I guess life doesn't always work out how you plan it to.

After we all enjoyed our food, me and Q took Joy and Cameron for a walk around the park before we let them get back on any rides again. There would be no point of them eating, just to have them throw it all back up. As soon as me Q made sure enough time had passed, we decided to let them ride more rides. The funny things was, was that they didn't even want to ride any rides.

They wanted to go swim.

Once getting through the long ass line we had to wait in for the train that took us to the other side of the park, we found a seat in the back in hopes of not being noticed. Me and Q had already been bombarded with fans all day. After both Joy and Cameron changed into their swim suits, me and Q did also. Both of us hated wearing swim trunks, but we obviously had to give the kids what they wanted.

After awhile, all the fun and games were over, it was time to head home. The kids of course were too exhausted to walk, so we carried them over our shoulders the whole way back to the car. Before me and Q even knew it, the kids were knocked out and sound asleep. We couldn't help but smile at how wore out their little butts were. I couldn't wait to ask Cameron how his day went.

But for now, I'll let him sleep.

When I finally arrived back to my house, I carried Cameron inside, and tucked him into his bed. Cameron had his own room at my house. As soon as Crystal started to let me come around him, I instantly made sure Cameron felt as if he was safe with me. His whole room was Avengers theme, and all the tons of toys I ever bought him covered every inch of the room.

The funny thing is, is that he actually plays with all of them too. Cameron still didn't understand the 'clean up when you're done' concept, but that was okay. If my little man wants to have all his toys all over the place, then I'll let him be.

Once tucking Cam in, and closing his door, I made my way to my bedroom and turned on my television. There was absolutely nothing on tv of course, so I ended up shutting it right back off. As soon as I did, Crystal called. I looked at the time, which read 11:48 to see if I was tripping. Sure enough, Crystal's name was big as day on the screen of my phone.

It was too late at night for me to be listening to her bull shit, so I let the call go to voicemail.

Nothing she could be calling for was that important at 12 o'clock at night. She probably just wanted to blow my phone up with a bunch of stupid ass questions like she always does when I have him. She's always so paranoid that something is going to happen while he is with me. She has a right to be, since it's her son and she just wants to make sure her child is in good hands, but Cameron is my son too.

He may be my first child, but I'm not stupid.

After letting Crystal's calls go to voicemail, (she felt the need to call a total of eight times before she gave up) I went to sleep. What ever she needed could just wait until tomorrow. That's when I'm unfortunately taking him back home anyways.

a.n - Sorry this chapter was short and the story is starting off slow, but if you still stick with me, I promise it will be worth it!

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