7 | Purple

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The next morning, I was rudely awakened by a loud ass knock on my front door. I rolled my eyes as I took my sweet time crawling out the bed to go answer it. It was probably no one other than Sylvia anyways. Sylvia, my manager, was always down my back and up my ass about about a bunch of bullishit I wasn't trying to listen to. Between her always notifying me when she booked an interview or a show for me, it was irritating always have to hear her from her.

I just wanted peace and quiet to myself sometimes, but I guess considering 'who I am', that will never happen.

"What Sylvia," I groaned, once finally at the door.

"Boy don't what me," she snapped. "I'm old enough to be your mother. Don't test me this morning Rakim."

I rolled my eyes once more as I Iet her inside, then closed and locked the door behind her.

"On top of that, I'm highly upset with you," she exclaimed as she took a seat on my couch.

"The fuck did I do?" I asked.

"Boy don't sit there and try to act clueless. Saturday and Sunday you had two very important performances! Were you there? No! I had them blowing up my my phone wondering where you were! That's money both of us are loosing!"

"First of all, I told you I wasn't doing anything work related yesterday and the day before because that was time for me to spend with my son. I don't know why you still booked that shit for me!"

"Look, I understand you had time to spend with your son, but both days? Seriously? You're a world known recording artist. If you want to keep it that way, your career must come first."

"Since when was my career more important than my son Sylvia? I'm just now being allowed into my sons life, and you know that! I'm not fucking that up. Reschedule the performances or something, but I'm done talking about this."

"Anyways," she started while opening her agenda book.

"Wednesday you have a radio appearance to make on Hot 97, Thursday you have an interview with Fader TV, Friday you have another radio appearance to make but on the Breakfast Club, Saturday you have an interview with Nardwaur, and Sunday you have an interview with Kathy Griffin.

I hated the fact that practically my whole life was planned out for me, with me not being able to put any input. No matter what I say, I have no control over what Sylvia books me for. If I don't show up to an event, that's both of our reputations and money - out the window. Yeah, I care about what my fans have to say, but I notified them on both Instagram and Twitter to not expect me at a performance on either days.

My son is more important, and sometimes, I have to do things for myself, instead of Sylvia telling me what I have to do everyday.

I let out a long sigh as I took a seat next to her. "What about today and tomorrow?"

"Since you wanted to take Saturday and Sunday off, you might as well take today off too."

"And tomorrow?" I rolled my eyes.

"Tomorrow were going to go look for you an personal assistant. Maybe they can keep you on track better than I can. I'm getting old anyways. I can't be behind you 24/7. I need help."

"How are we suppose to be looking for assistants tomorrow? Where are we going to get candidates?" I asked.

"I already set up auditions at a local venue I booked for tomorrow. I also already sent out flyers, Instagram posts, and tweets. Expect over a hundred candidates tomorrow to interview," she smiled as she closed her agenda book, then got up from my couch.

Kissin' Pink | A$AP RockyWhere stories live. Discover now