10 | Purple

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Rakim Mayers

I'm a man of my word, so I kept to my word and gave Raven a call the very next morning. I wasn't doing much today besides an interview for Hot 97, but she could still tag along. She could come with me to get a taste of what I do every day, and I could even tell her a few things about what she would be doing on the job for me.

I'm a pretty easy person to please, so she won't have a hard job at all.

"You have to go through that everyday?" Raven asked as we left from out of the radio studio.

The interview went pretty well, and I was there for a shorter amount of time than I expected to be. Now, since there was no where else to go, I was taking her back to my house. Since Raven is now my personal assistant, and my friend of course, my home was now her home too. I wanted to insure that she felt comfortable. She'll probably spending a lot of time there anyways, just like Sylvia does.

"Unfortunately," I sighed once making my way back to my car.

"What do you mean unfortunately? Having people asking me questions about myself would seem like fun."

"But the thing about it is, is that after awhile, it gets boring. Having interviewers ask me questions that I've already answered is annoying. Now days, a lot of interviewers just recycle questions with other interviewers. The most frustrating thing is having to repeat myself. If I already answered the question with another interviewer, why would I want to answer it again?"

"Oh I see. It still seem as if it would be fun though!"

"Shit. You want to trade places then?"

"If I could I probably would!"

We both chuckled as I made my way to my house. Since my home was a bit of a distance from the Hot 97 radio studio that I had my interview at, the car ride would be a bit long. To past by the time and not make the ride there too quiet and boring, I popped in one of my mixtapes.

Just like I had expected, Raven was nodding her head to it the whole way there.

Once finally arriving at my house, I was kind enough to give her a tour. Although it didn't seem like a lot to me, Raven of course looked at it as if it was Bill Gate's house. I had a pretty spacious and nice looking house, but Raven made it seem as if it was a lot more.

My house had only a total of five bedrooms, and four and half baths. I had both a formal dining room and living room, and a dining room and living room that was only used for special occasions. My basement was converted into a bar and studio, and directly next to the loft that sat upstairs was an in-home theater.

After doing the honors of giving her a tour of mi casa, we ended up back inside my bedroom. Apparently, she was fascinated by how many closets was inside of it, and the fact that my bed could only be reached my stairs. My canopy bed sat on sort of an platform. Luckily, I'm not a wild sleeper because my ass would have been done for if I so happened to fall out the bed during the night.

"I'm a pretty easy person to please," I stated as I kicked off my shoes and laid back on my bed. "I won't ask for much, of course besides making sure I get to the events that Sylvia booked me for - on time."

"Oh yeah. Sylvia did send me your schedule for the week. I would be overwhelmed with all of that stuff to go to during the week!"

"I'm use to it, but yeah it does get a bit tiring," I replied as Raven suddenly got up from my bed.

Once off my bed, she then made her way to my dresser. I had all type of things on top of my dresser. From my jewelry neatly organized on the surface, to pictures taped to the mirror, my dresser was something pretty special to me. And apparently, Raven was fascinated by the pictures.

"I never knew you had a little brother," she stated as I caught her looking at one of my favorite pictures that I have of Cameron.

The picture was taken when I got to meet him for the first time.

"That's my son," I smiled.

Her facial expression was priceless as she simply said, "Oh."

She looked as if she wanted to say something else, but instead changed the subject.

Also among the pictures that were taped to the mirror or my dresser was an old high school picture of both of us. Of course she brought it to my attention, and we were talking about it for hours. It was amazing how just one picture could bring back so many memories. Besides obviously a picture of me and my mother, that picture of us was the picture I had of a female, on my mirror.

For some reason, Raven out of all people shared a special place in heart, although she wasn't 'mine'.


AN - Y'all do not understand what I have planned for this story! But I seriously need comments! If you like this story, please spread the word! Don't just read, leave a vote and tell me what your thoughts are! Lastly, special shoutout to @girstolemycupcakes! I read all of your comments gorgeous! Thanks so much.

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