21 | Purple [R]

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Raven Andrews

After knocking on Rakim's door for what felt like hours, he finally decided to come and answer it. All he had on was a pair of red basketball shorts, and his braids were hanging sloppily along the sides of his face. You could tell he had just woke up by how low his eyes naturally were, and the yawn that had just escaped his lips.

Rakim has always been an attractive person in my eyes, but the state that he was currently in was a little overwhelming.

"You weren't sleep were you?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrows.

"Somewhat," he shrugged as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Half sleep half woke."

"Well you need to be all the way awake! You have a radio appearance in an hour!" I laughed as I pushed my way through the door.

Nothing else was said as he shrugged his shoulders again, closed and locked the front door behind me and trudged back up the stairs. I let out a sigh at the fact that he didn't even care. I then followed him up the stairs, in an attempt to get him dressed for today's events, and also because I obviously wasn't about to stay downstairs by myself.

Once upstairs, in his bedroom, he plopped back down on his bed and buried his self under neath the covers. I shook my head as I awkwardly took a seat on the edge of his bed and got out the file folder that contained today's itinerary that I typed up last night.

Rakim had a radio interview to attend in an hour, and he was still laying in the bed without a care in the world. I was expecting him to at least be ready since it would take a little over 30 minutes to get there.

Doesn't look like we'll be there in 30 minutes today.

I let out a long sigh as I placed the itinerary back inside the file folder and took this moment as an opportunity to take in Rakim's beauty. He seemed to be sleeping pretty peacefully with a slight smirk on his face - or so I thought. Before I knew it, he scared me half to death by snapping his eyes open.

I awkwardly looked away as I cleared my throat, but of course it was no use.

"Why you staring at a nigga while they tryna' sleep?" Rakim chuckled. "You like something you see?"

"Boy please," I rolled my eyes with a suck of my teeth. "No one was staring at you."

"What was you doing then?" he smirked.

Fuck I thought to myself. I had to think of something quick, but nothing was coming to mind.

"Uh, reading over today's itinerary. You know, you really need to wash up and get ready. You're a celebrity in case you forgot. Radio stations want to interview you."

"Sure you were," he laughed with a lick of his lips. "I took a bath last night, so technically I'm clean, and fuck that radio appearance for today - I'm not going."

"What do you mean you aren't going?"

"Exactly what I said," he replied nonchalantly as he laid back down, and flipped his pillow over to the other side before laying his head back down on it.

"Sylivia is going to -"

"Raven can you chill the fuck out? I said I'm not going. Reschedule it or something. I move on my own time. I'm a celebrity in case you forgot. I got way too much shit on my mind to be worrying about a radio appearance. Damn."

I sat there dumbfounded, as I tried to find the right words to say. How was I suppose to reply back to that?

Since he did indeed move on his own time, considering me just being his assistant, I decided to take the moment to cancel the radio appearance he clearly just stated that he wasn't going to today. I reached into my brown Michael Kors bag and pulled out my tablet, but just as I did his eyes shot back open at me.

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