11 | Purple

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Rakim Mayers

I mentally cursed myself out as I made my way out my bed to catch the door. I loved the fact that although Raven is my friend, she actually took the job of being my personal assistant, serious, but she could not be another Sylvia in my life. It had to be at least 8 a.m. I rarely got to have time to sleep because of my busy schedule, and now Raven was interrupting that, just like Sylvia does every morning.

They might as well just live with me as much as they come to my house!

"What?" I questioned Raven as I opened the door.

"Well good morning to you too," she replied as she pushed through me to get inside my house.

"I'm sorry it's just -," I sighed as I plopped down on my couch. "I'm super tired. I rarely get to have sleep to myself during the week, and you just interrupted that."

"Oh," she said plainly as she joined me on the couch. "I'm sorry. I totally understand. I'll be as quiet as a mouse."

"Well I'm woke now. I can't really go back to sleep," I yawned as I rubbed the sleep from out of my eyes. 

"Oh," she looked down at the ground. "I'm so sorry."

"Raven it's cool."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Why did you come so early today anyways? My interview for Fader TV isn't until six hours from now."

"I know, I was just, bored I guess."

"Bored? You didn't have your boyfriend to entertain you?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrows.

"He left early this morning for work. And since I wasn't about to stay at home by myself, I figured I'd do the same," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, I see," I replied, not really knowing what to say now. "Well, there's plenty of food in the fridge. Help yourself. I'm going down to the studio to work since I have nothing better to do."

"You mind if I join?" she asked as we both got up from the couch.

"Of course not," I stated.

Making my way towards the stairs that led to my basement, Raven followed closely behind me. Once finally downstairs in my basement, I invited her to take a seat on one of the couches and get comfortable. I then made my way to the sound table. Underneath the table was one large drawer. Inside was all of my weed supplies, which is exactly what I was looking for.

I got out my lighter, my papers, and of course, my weed. After asking Raven if she mind if I smoke, I prepared myself a nice blunt, then proceeded to light it. Unsurprisingly, Raven didn't care if I smoked. She's been knowing me long enough to know that I smoke. Honestly, the best shit for songs come to me whenever I'm high.

I still have at least five more hours until I have to appear at this interview Sylvia booked me for, so I have plenty of time to record something.

"You still got the college life in you?" I asked Raven once I was finished coughing.

"What you mean?" she folded her arms as a slight smirk formed in the corner of her mouth.

"Vinny you know exactly what I mean. You still smoke?" I said before taking another hit.

"Nah," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Why not?"

She shrugged her shoulders again as she kicked her shoes off and sat with her legs folded on the couch.

"Oh come on. At least take one hit."

"I'm good Rakim," she giggled.

"Please," I poked my bottom lip out.

"Why does it matter if I smoke with you?"

"Cause you haven't smoked with a real nigga yet."

"Oh God," she blushed as she pushed me away from her. "I hate you. You know that right?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I took another hit from my blunt that was almost finished.

"Rakim you still have this interview to attend later."

"I know. What about it?"

"As your personal assistant I have to make sure you attend it. You're high as hell."

"So?" I giggled.

"You most likely won't feel like going because of how good you feel and even if you do go that's going to make me look bad as your assistant, having you go in high."

"Raven chill out. See, this is why you need to take a hit. You tripping over nothing. Stop being so uptight bruh."

"Uptight?" she chuckled. "Well excuse me."

"Raven just chill. I'll be there at that interview. Just a heads up though, Saturday you won't have to work."

"Why not?"

"My son's birthday party is this weekend."

"Oh," she said in a low tone.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why every time I bring up something about my son your attitude changes?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said in a somewhat sad tone.

"The other day when you though that picture was of my brother, what was going through your head?" I asked, curious.

She shrugged her shoulders as she asked if I could change the subject. In a way, she doesn't have to explain herself to me since it has been a while since me and Raven have seen and talked each other, but she will have to eventually. Yeah, it's only been a few days since a year and half ago, but Raven shouldn't feel as if I'm some stranger.

At one point we were tight, and I want that back. I want her to know that she can feel comfortable around me and tell me anything that's on her mind. I'll give her as much time as she needs, but I want answers. I sense that she's hiding something and she's not the same Raven that I remember.

Whatever it is she's hiding, I know it's putting a wall between us. The sooner she tells me what's on her mind, the sooner we can be back to how close we were before.


fuck it. just because, updates back to saturdays. don't expect to update any other day unless it is my j. cole story. you're welcome.

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