2 | Purple

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Rakim Mayers

Once picking my son Cameron up, I made my way to my home boy Q house. Quincy was his real name, but everybody who fucked with him just called him Schoolboy, or Q for short. Me and Q been friends for as long as I can remember, honestly. We're so much alike, it's crazy. This nigga was for real like my long lost brother, that's just how close we are.

Friends like him are hard to come across now days.

We cry together, we laugh together, we party together, but at the end of the day, we take care of our responsibility together also. Q is the type of person who doesn't take things too serious, but when it comes down to putting all jokes aside, he doesn't play.

Just like me, Q has a little three year-old to take care of. He could have walked out as soon as his child was born, but be decided not to. Matter fact, he deals with the same situation I have to deal with, with Crystal. Q baby moms is a bitch, but she isn't as bad as Crystal. His baby mama is just the annoying, gold digging type. She lets him see his daughter when ever he wants, which is all he cares about.

In return, he sends her money to go and do what ever the hell she uses it on. I personally thought he was stupid for that, but hey, he can do him I guess.

Q has a little girl who means the world to him, and her name is Joy. He claims to have named her Joy, cause well, she brings him joy. Simple as that. You should have saw how happy that nigga was when she finally came. Niggas was literally counting down the days and shit to when his daughter was coming. He always wanted a girl for some reason.

Me on the other hand, I never really cared about gender. Gender was never a big thing for me. If the baby came out a boy, cool, if the baby came out a girl, so be it. I would still love my child the same. I always wanted to one day get my shit together first, then have a family, but I guess shit happens. Having that perfect family with Crystal of course is out the picture, and Cameron came a little earlier than I expected.

When I found out that Crystal was pregnant with my child, I instantly told myself that I wasn't ready, and abortion was the first thing that came to mind. My senses then kicked in, and I realized how stupid I was for thinking that. Yeah, I really wasn't ready to raise a kid, but abortion? I would never take an innocent life. Cameron may not have came at the suitable time for me, but I damn sure thanked God every day for him.

I thank God I never told Crystal to get an abortion. Cameron has honestly been the best thing that has happened to me - even though I think I already said that.

Once over Q house, he immediately when to go and grab him and Joy's things. We had planned a trip to Kings Island. We planned this trip a while ago, and we've been looking forward to it for some weeks now. The kids doesn't know that we're taking them, so that's the best part.

This trip is just suppose to be a fun trip for all of us, but it was also sort of a birthday gift to both Cameron and Joy.

Joy's birthday was last week, and Cameron's birthday is next weekend. Due to both of their mother's wanting to celebrate their birthday with them, we figured this weekend could be the father's time to spend with them. Q of course attended the little birthday party Joy's mom threw for her, but he still wanted to do his own thing for her, just like I want to do something separate for Cameron.

Q's baby mama got pregnant around the same time Crystal got pregnant, so it all worked out perfectly. Joy had just turned three, but unfortunately, Cameron will be turning four next weekend. It was only a one year age difference. Surprisingly, Cameron and Joy actually got along, despite their different genders. Come to think of it, I think Cameron actually has a crush on Joy.

Joy is all he seems to talk about when ever he's with me.

"What's up cuz?" Q greeted me as we shook up with each other.

"What's up."

"What's up Cam?" he then said to Cameron.

"Hey uncle Q," they fist pounded each other.

"You can go talk to Joy, she's in the living room picking up," Q said as Cameron stared at Joy in the other room.

Cameron of course gave us a innocent smile, before running off into the other room. Me and Q both laughed as we shook our head.

"No doubt that's your son," Q laughed as we waited for Cameron to help Joy pick up so we could leave.

"Why you say that?" I chuckled.

"When he see a girl he want he not afraid to go get her."

"Whatever man," I laughed. "At least my son ain't gay."

"True," Q said. "Crystal give you a hard time when you went to go pick him up?"

"Of course. Talking about 'don't have my son around any weed and make sure you feed him'."

"You serious?"

"Dead ass bruh bruh. Imma' get full custody of him one day if she keep on."

"Shit, go for it. There's no need for me getting full custody of Joy cause it already feels as if I already have her. I thank God that me and her mom get along still. She let me have her when ever I want."

"Lucky you. Be happy you don't have to deal with Crystal crazy ass."

"You wanna know why she act the way she act?"

"Why bruh bruh?"

"Cause she miss ya' dick."

"Man get outta' here," I laughed.

"I'm serious! You the one who broke up with her, that's why she so bitter towards you. She miss you and don't want to admit it. "

Now that Q said that, that actually made perfect sense. Crystal has never been the type of person that knew how to express her feelings. Maybe she has been bitter towards me because she miss me. I'm not going to lie, I miss what we once had, but not enough for me to go back to her.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. If me and Crystal are still meant to be together, God will work it out, otherwise, I'm doing me for the moment.

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