12 | Purple

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The rest of the week must have went by pretty quickly, because before I knew it, Cameron's birthday was here. Turns out, I did indeed attend the interview I had with Fader TV, and luckily, I was at a good state where I could function correctly. In addition, the interview I had at the Breakfast Club yesterday was also successful.

I was planning on not showing up to my appearance for Nardwaur, but I didn't want to let him down.

Luckily that didn't take long, because I had just enough time to pick up a gift for Cam and make my way to his party in a reasonable time. Crystal was having his party at Chuck E. Cheese, so me and Raven both were excited about what today held.

Despite the recent moods she's been displaying during certain situations, both of us are some big ass kids at heart, so there was no reason for either of us to have an attitude today. I wasn't letting anything fuck up today, not even Crystal herself.

Once making our way inside the building, the talk began. Of course many people recognized me, but that was the least of my worries. What it boiled down to is what Crystal had to say about my 'guest'. And just like I has expected, I knew she had a mouthful just by the look on her face.

"Hey everybody," I greeted everyone once locating the table Crystal had reserved for the party.

The table sat her, and her friends, surrounded by a cake that hadn't yet been cut, and tons of gifts. I sat my bag on the table along with the others.

"Hey," Crystal smiled. "Who's this?"

"Crystal, this is my personal assistant Raven Andrews, and Raven, this is the mother of my son, Crystal," I introduced the two.

"Hello," Raven smiled as she held her hand out for Crystal to shake.

You could tell in Crystal's eyes that she didn't even want to be bothered with her, but she shook Raven's hand anyways. Thank God. Maybe, just maybe, she'll act like a civilized person today.

"I like that scarf!" Crystal stated as she lightly touched it.

Spoke too soon. I could tell that the act Crystal was putting on right now was fake, but I guess I had to put up with it if I didn't want her showing her true colors.

"Thanks!" Raven smiled. "I got it for five dollars at Dots."

"Really? I don't even shop there. I always thought their stuff was cheap. Maybe I'll check them out!"

"You definitely should!" said Raven.

"I'll keep that in mind! But our little one is the one over there with the red plaid shirt on," Crystal smiled as she pointed in the direction of where him and his friends played by numerous skee-ball lanes, while putting emphasis on the word 'our'. "He looks exactly like Rakim, and he's a pretty out going person. Don't be afraid to speak."

"Okay! Thanks," Raven replied with a smile before giving me a smile too, then running away.

Raven was the type of person who loved kids, so I knew she would be talking to Cameron's outgoing ass for hours. Crystal on the other hand quickly sat back down at the table with her friends and ignored me as if nothing had just happened.

"Really?" I stated as I waved my hand in front of her face.

"What?" she snapped. "Rakim don't test me today. If you don't want me saying what's really on my mind in front of your little friend, I advise you to just go spend time with your son like she is."

"Shit," I chuckled. "Don't have to tell me twice."

Did I just hear right? Was I dreaming? I certainly do not know this Crystal that's before me. I was shocked to see that she was keeping in what she had to say, but I wasn't going to complain. I quickly let Crystal and her friends be as I made my way towards Raven who was busy talking to Cameron.

"Daddy!" Cameron yelled once he noticed me coming up behind Raven.

"Wassup dude," I smiled as I picked him up and spun him around in my arms. "I heard it was someone's birthday today."

"Hm I wonder who," he giggled.

Me and Raven laughed too as I sucked my teeth. His sense of humor was way beyond his years.

"How old are you today?" Raven asked him.

"Four," he smiled as he held up four fingers.

"What was y'all talking about before I got over here?" I asked.

"Nothing," he shrugged his shoulders. "She just told me who she was. She's really nice!"

"Yeah, she is," I smiled, as I looked at Raven, then back at him. "Who did she tell you she was?"

"She told me she was your friend. Daddy is that your girl friend?"

"No Cameron," I chuckled. "Just a friend okay?"

"Okay," he replied.

"Now go play with your friends alright?"

"Are you leaving?" he asked in a sad tone.

"Of course not dude!"

"Okay!" he cheesed as I put him back down, then watched him run off with his friends.

"He's so cute," Raven smiled.

"Thanks," I chuckled.

"And he looks just like you. He definitely has your personality too Rakim."

"I heard it all before," I laughed. "When you and your boyfriend gone have a little Raven running around?"

"Shit," she half chuckled while folding her arms. "That will never happen."

"Why you say that?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," she shrugged. "Not right now at least. I'll explain everything that's on my mind sooner or later, but I just need time."

"That's cool," I laughed. "Take all the time that you need. I'll always be here when you're ready."

"Thanks," she smiled. "I really appreciate it."

I smiled too as I wrapped my arm around her as we returned back to the table where Crystal and her friends sat at.

The day seemed to have went by in a breeze, and it actually went good as well. I surprisingly heard no bitching from Crystal, which is something that I was thankful for. Not only was I happy that she kept her composure for my company, but also for our son. I would hate for her 'rachetness' mess up a nice birthday party for our son.

Once eventually singing happy birthday to Cameron and watch him blow his candles out, we all dug into the cake and ice cream and for once, acted as if we all were on big happy family. After cake and ice cream came the opening of the gifts. Plenty of pictures and videos were taken, and plenty of priceless memories were made.

The joy that Cameron had opening every last gift was enough to put a genuine smile upon my face.

He of course loved what I bought him, and thanked me probably a million times for it. After having Raven take our picture, I wished my little man one last 'happy fourth birthday', then gave him a kiss good bye. I had to get home and get some rest, and I needed to get Raven back home as soon as possible.

Between Crystal and Luke, I wanted this day to go by as smooth as possible, so I wasn't holding my breath for too long.

Once taking Raven home, I took myself home, then took my happy ass to sleep. I probably thanked God a million times for the way today turned out. It's priceless days like today that make you realize how much you truly are blessed. I'm blessed to have a wonderful career, and a family that I'm happy to say is not perfect.

A/N - Honestly, all of my stories are planned out except for this one. I had a plan for it, but I honestly do not like it anymore. I have a habit of always wanting to delete my stories and start over, but I put hard work into this one lol. So with that being said, how do you guys want this story to go? I'm open to ALL suggestions. You can either tell me which one of my suggestions you like better : ( have Rakim and Crystal work out, or have Rakim and Raven get together ), or bring up another one. Have reason for whatever you comment though! Thanks to the people who do comment on this story though.

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