Chapter 2 - The Tribunal

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Caro sat behind her desk in Portland Oregon, strumming her fingers in irritation as the man who sat in front of her continued with his demand. He was the Prince so she had to politely continue to listen to him.

"Caro, he has publicly demanded that the Peacemaker preside over the Tribunal. He doesn't have to do this, his pack successfully took over the Silver Moon pack- justified or not. Alpha Jardin claims it was his traitor of a Beta that orchestrated the entire affair, and that he himself was only guilty of not knowing of the plans."

"Hmmm," is all Caro said, looking hard at the Prince as she stilled the shiver that ran down her spine when he spoke her mate's name. Her friend and Prince had begged her years ago to accept this 'Peacemaker' role in world affairs, and so far it had worked and her secret remained intact.

"Jardin executed all of the traitors on the battlefield, Caro, the moment he found out about the slaughter." Sighing the Prince ran his hand through his hair and looked at her with exasperation on his face. "He also privately told me he was the Peacemaker's mate. The man seems quite determined to find you."

She stopped thrumming her fingers, her whole body stilled. This was unexpected, and she waited for it... three... two...

"Is he your mate, Caro?"

Heaving herself out of her chair she walked to her window looking out over the large river that divided the city in two. Her wolf was rising at it was becoming more difficult to subdue her with the mate pull, and her internal heartbreak was becoming more pronounced. She would have to reject her mate soon. But not in front of her Prince, and she stood tall with her hands behind her back and looked out the huge window without really seeing anything.

She was remembering the image of her gloriously naked mate standing proud in the moonlight.

"Yes," is all she said.

The Prince immediately stood up shouting at his stupid, stupid friend. "Why the hell haven't you gone to him yet? He's your mate for god's sake, no one stays away from their mate!"

The Prince just glared at the stubborn woman in front of him. No wonder she was having such a hard time lately, all the clues were obvious now that he knew what to look for.

Turning quickly, Caro's eyes became blacker as she was questioned about this deeply personal issue. "In my eyes he's a coward and a traitor, and can't be trusted. This is my decision, Prince Aaron!"

The Prince sat back down heavily and steepled his fingers in front of his lips, watching his friend in a rare seething and barely controlled rage. Her wolf must be livid and frantic by this time. He realized that this was the missing puzzle piece, his 'Peacemaker' couldn't trust her mate and her job was too important for world stability between the largest packs. No one was more trusted than the Peacemaker who could be called in to settle disputes before they inflamed into all-out war. She was passionate about it and the twenty 'League' members protected her with their lives.

And he realized she was just protecting theirs.

"I know Caro, I know," the Prince said as he blew out a breath. "But I believe you are wrong about this Alpha. He is guilty of many things, all Alphas are- but this massacre is not one of them."

Caro opened her mouth to speak, but there was a quick 'buzz' when her assistant's voice blared from a desk speaker, "I'm sorry to intrude Caro, but your next appointment is here."

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