Waiting For Emma -- Chapter 2

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"Ummm," was all Emma could say. 'Good one Emma, why don't you just lay down and let him ravish you?' She thought to herself. Her wolf quickly added, 'Why not?' which made her snort.

"Yes?" Lance murmured into her hair as he inhaled a deep breath, holding it for a moment then letting it out. All the time running his hands up her back and down her sides, making her become very aroused.

"I have a traitor to catch."

"And?" Lance responded before diving into her mouth again. He pressed his hands into her hair and held her close to him. "You'll always have an assignment from the Prince, or a new difficult client that you have to drop everything for. Or someone who wants something so you drop everything to help them."

Lance pulled back and caressed her check with his hand. "Just stop for a minute and let yourself live a little. Let yourself experience everything I can do for you." He brought his lips down on hers again and made her forget all the reasons why this was a bad idea.

Spending the night with Lance didn't seem like such a bad idea anymore.


She woke up to the foreign feeling of arms wrapped around her body. Smiling she inhaled his scent, she was so used to it but now it seemed to fill her with a sense of happiness. Opening one eye she looked over at her bodyguard, her friend- and now her lover.

Slowly getting out of bed, Emma had to get ready for work. She had a full schedule today, and had to setup a few meetings after work to interview a few prospective traitors. Sighing, Emma made it to the bathroom where she took her shower and got ready.

When she returned to the room, Lance was sitting up in the bed and watched her move around. He listened to her each morning and knew her routine intimately, but had never been in her room while she got ready.

But he appreciated how she moved around her room, how she got ready in the most efficient way, and how she was now stopped in front of him with her hands on her hips.

"What?" she scowled at him.

Lance just looked up at her and smiled. He pulled on one of her wrists and she fell over him ungracefully with a 'oof'.

"Lance!" she shouted at him and his rude behavior and tried to push herself off of him.

He just pulled her to him and kissed her hard. She melted into him for a minute, then realized she was late for work.

Pulling back regretfully, she looked him in the eyes. "I have to go to work, I'm late already and you have to let me go."

Lance smiled and cupped her cheek with his hand. "You were being so distant, I need you near me. I crave it, sweetheart."

Smiling back at him she pecked her lips on his and hopped off the bed. She felt great this morning, all because of this man. Walking to her closet she asked him over her shoulder, "You going to the office with me or is it your day off?"

"Andrew's scheduled to take you in today. I have an appointment I need to be at so won't be able to join you until tonight. Dinner?"

"Yea, but after work I need to meet some more League members and interview them. I need to wrap this up fairly quickly."

"Who are you meeting with, Emma?"

"As many people as I can so I can fill out my report." Emma walked back into the room with her skirt and blouse on, she had a pair of nylons and some pumps in her hands.

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