Chapter 3 - Evidence of Honor

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When Caro and her Guards entered the large room everyone was already present. She knew where her 'mate' was sitting but refused to look at him directly. But his smell filled the room and she had to make her body relax so she wouldn't respond to it.

Which was almost impossible, of course her body and wolf responded to their mate. Her own wolf was rising and interested, her wolf usually remained silent and on alert. But was now fully alert and surging forward, just like she did last time they met at the waterfall.

'Mate!' her wolf shouted to her. Caro internally hissed at her wolf, reminding her of the horrific images of the slaughter fields, the stories of the few survivors. Her wolf whined and pulled back, watching, waiting.

Creating waves of lust and wanting to run through her, but she did her best to ignore it feeling suddenly tired.

Caro had dressed in her familiar mask, as did her Guards, and she sat on the right side of the Prince. She wore her usual black pants and combat boots, with a black silk shirt with a black jacket. Her Guards wore black as well and stationed themselves around the room, intermingled with the Prince's own guards. Caro knew there were a few hundred additional guards stationed throughout the ranch, along with high-tech surveillance monitors. She would be safe, but no one could stop her mate's unique and enticing scent of the outdoors, of the winds in the tops of pine trees.

Caro just sighed.

After everyone was settled, the Prince began. "As you all know Alpha Jardin requested a Tribunal to review the events of the Silver Moon pack massacre that occurred last February. He claims to have been unfairly judged by the 'court of public opinion' and wants to set the record straight. According to Pack Law he has the right to air his grievances in front of a Royal Prince, and in addition has asked for this 3-member Tribunal to judge the actions of himself and his fellow pack members."

The Prince looked at the Alpha and continued, "Do you agree with this assessment Alpha Jardin?"

Caro still didn't look at the Alpha, but heard his deep and steady voice respond, "I agree, Your Highness." She suppressed a shiver that ran down her back when she heard his voice.

'Mate!' her wolf yelled at her. 'Shut it!' she internally shouted back.

"Good," the Prince said, "then let's start first with Alpha Jardin's view of the events."

She heard the Alpha stand and she chose to look at him. He was staring straight at her and didn't care who knew. He was wearing a dark navy suit and tie with a pale blue shirt and looked exactly like the powerful man he was.

"My mate," he began in a cool, controlled voice, "believes me to be a coward, an Alpha so consumed with the greed for territory that he would kill an entire pack just for their land." The Alpha slowly walked around from behind his table to stand in front of it.

In front of her.

Continuing to stare right at his mate he went on, "There are many Alphas who currently do this, but I am not one of them. I was negligent in not noticing a conspiracy involving my Beta and best friend, but was not involved in the events of the Silver Moon massacre."

Taking a deep breath the Alpha continued, "My Beta and several top Delta warriors had decided they wanted to replace me, and instead of challenging me they formed a plan to destroy a neighboring pack and place the blame on me. Unfortunately for them I found out about their actions after they attacked and raced there to kill all the traitors."

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