Waiting For Emma -- Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Delicious Breakfast

Morning came too soon, but Emma registered the sound of the nearby waves crashing on the beach, and smelled the most wonderful breakfast.


The smells weren't breakfast, and her head was against something hot, slightly hairy, and slightly electric. And it all came crashing back to her that she had slept with Lance. Again. Well they were just sleeping this time.

"Good morning sweetheart," she heard Lance greet her at the same time she felt the vibration from his voice in his chest. She just froze, still as a statue as she tried to figure a way out of her current predicament.

She felt and heard Lance laughing softly. "Emma, Emma, Emma. I've waited so long for you, it's like a dream come true to wake up with you in my arms." She felt him lean down and kiss the top of her head.

God he felt wonderful, and his smell was like a drug that made her mind all foggy.

She slowly sat up and stretched out her neck and moved to get off of him, all while keeping her gaze away from him. The large, muscular man slowly let her go and watched her walk across the floor to the bathroom. This time he was going to pay attention, he didn't want a repeat of last time.

Emma came back to the room and walked through it to go to the kitchen. Lance got up, finished with the bathroom and met her in the kitchen. He walked to her side and started to help her like he always did when they made a meal together.

Slamming a knife down on the counter she gripped the edge hard with her hands and just yelled at him. "Stop it, alright! Just stop it. There's no need for you to be here, there's no need for you to-" but Lance angrily spun her around and kissed her hard, mindful of where the knife was.

Emma eventually pulled back and put her head on his chest. "Stop, please. I feel so broken right now. I can't do this with you Lance. I just... can't."

Lance stroked her back and soothed her. "I need to explain some things to you, Emma. You're not the only one who suffered."

"But I'm the only one in this room that was lied to," she replied and moved around him to put the food on the table. Again without looking at the large, shirtless man in the room.

Emma sat and started to eat. Lance moved a chair next to her and leaned on the table, just watching her eat.

"That's really annoying you know," Emma said with her mouth full.

"Watching my mate eat? How is that annoying. I love everything you do, I always have." Lance watched her as she rolled her eyes and tried to scoot away from this crazy man next to her. But Lance simply moved his foot so her chair wouldn't move.

"That's a little childish, don't you think?" Lance asked her with a lazy smile on his face. Emma just closed her eyes and inhaled the rich scent of her mate, and continued to battle her wolf who wanted her to stop hurting her new wolf mate.

Sighing, Emma put her fork on her plate and moved to get up. Lance stood with her and simply threw her over his shoulder and walked them both to the porch.

"Lance, what the hell are you doing?" she shouted to his back- and rather delicious butt.

"It's time to talk, Emma," he said as he slowly slid her down in front of him feeling each amazing inch of her, then carefully guiding her onto the cushioned lounger. He pulled the other lounger closer together so they were sitting side-by-side.

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