Waiting For Emma -- Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 – Truth Will Out

Emma successfully ditched her bodyguards with a bit of effort and got a taxi to the Prince's hotel. She knew when she arrived that her whereabouts would be broadcast to everyone, including her bodyguards- and the League. She knew every scenario and the reactions from all the groups.

Walking to the elevator holding her briefcase she pressed the button to the top floor and waited. When it opened she got in, still holding her head up. She took those few moments to compose herself for what she was going to do.

She had to execute her plan brilliantly or it would fail- and she would fail everyone.

Making her way off the elevator she was stopped by one of the guards. "Et tu, Brute?" she quietly asked him and she got a flicker of understanding in his eyes at the popular Shakespeare quote. The Royal Guard had flinched slightly even though she didn't know him.

But she would find out everything about him later.

"Tell the Prince I have his report." The man nodded at the other Royal Guard who now moved to the door. The Guard knocked on the door and waited.

"Yes," she heard a woman's voice ask. It was Lange her dear friend. Well, her friend for a few more minutes at least.

"Emma? What on earth are you doing here so late?"

Emma brushed past her scowling Guard and walked to her friend and gave her a heartfelt hug. "I have a report for the Prince, and it's quite urgent."

Walking to the bar she quickly poured herself a stiff drink. And with her back to her future Queen she added, "And I'm quite sure you know what it's about." Twirling back she downed the drink in one gulp, wincing at the burning of her throat lining.

"Please, Princess," she mock whispered and bowed her head.

Lange just frowned at her friend but left to get her mate. The Prince returned in a few moments wearing a velvet robe, it seemed to suit him. Bowing her head she murmured, "My Prince."

"It's late, Emma. Couldn't this wait until tomorrow?" The Prince had dark circles under his eyes and she momentarily felt regret, then pushed it aside.

"Please ask Lange to join us, Your Highness. If that would be alright with you."

Lange slowly walked out of her room and sat next to her mate, automatically taking his hand. The Prince continued to study the woman standing before him , she rarely wore jeans but here she was dressed very casually.

"Sir, here's your report," Emma said and handed him a slim folder. The Prince opened it and frowned, then looked up with anger in his eyes.

"Is this a joke?" he growled at her and Lange quickly looked down and then back up. "It's a goddamn blank piece of paper!"

Emma put down her glass and walked a few paces toward her Prince, her leader. "No, Your Highness. This is no joke." Emma then kneeled in front of them both and bent her head, putting her hands on her thighs. She was completely subservient.

"I knew who the traitors were when I left your apartment yesterday. And you know who they are but I will not betray them. They've saved my life, and your life too many times to count. If you will listen I will tell you why."

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