Mate Manual -- Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 -- The Next Chosen

I sat with Aaron in a small and more private dining room the next morning. We were discussing the meetings today and what he hoped to accomplish. I had learned to listen to my mate, I had a lot to learn and he would guide me. I had a choice to participate or not, and I decided I would like to learn how to navigate these gatherings.

A door opened and in walked Alpha Apollonios with whom I presumed was his Beta.

He nodded his head to Aaron, "My Prince." Then turning to me he nodded, "Princess." I nodded back to him and kept sipping my coffee. I assumed any real meeting would be held in private with just the Prince. I wouldn't be made a fool of a second time, and I kept my face impassive.

The Beta put a briefcase on the table and gave Janko a folder. The Alpha in turn put the file in front of me. "As requested Your Highness." I kept my coffee in one hand and in the other nonchalantly examined a few sheets.

"Thank you Janko. Now if you would please, I require your actual reports."

The Alpha stood and watched me, I just took another sip of coffee knowing my mate was watching the exchange. Apollonios snapped his fingers and the Beta took out another report and put it on the table in between the Prince and I, closing the briefcase after him. Aaron reached out for it and started scanning it.

Shutting the folder he looked at the Alpha and said, "Thank you Janko, that will be all." The Alpha and Beta nodded their heads and left the room.

"Does it agree with the others?" I asked him quietly.

"Yes," is all he said. The next meeting would be very... entertaining.


The Alphas were silent as they watched us enter the room. Strangely I had learned a great deal in just these past two days. My ego was taken down a peg or two, I was in a world I knew nothing about. Reluctantly I realized that I needed to support my mate and not challenge him so much.

I was an independent woman and could form my own opinions, but not at the risk of harming others. I only just realized that my actions now carried weight and meant a great deal to many wolves, and I needed to be cautious.

Sighing I took my seat next to Aaron as he opened the session. "Thanks to all of you who gave me their reports. You will be pleased to know that the Royal Guards have captured a small mercenary band as it was trying to escape into the mountains. They are all being dealt with.

"I noticed that each of you incorrectly placed the blame of the attack on your most deadly rival. I expected this but the behavior stops now. Lange was correct when she spoke of cooperation and a regional trade consortium. Each of you will nominate a representative that will form this Consortium, with Apollonios as the first leader. This role will be shifted every two years to start, or until you agree on a binding resolution to setup things differently.

None of you are any good to me if I can't get accurate information, if I can't rely on your cooperation and allegiance. So until you all show me you are worth my attention I will now leave you to all kill yourselves off!"

Aaron stood and held out his hand to me, he had earlier explained his plan so I was expecting this speech.

"My Prince," we heard unexpectedly from Alpha Ruzsa. "We held a meeting last night and wish to state something if you would wait a moment." Alpha Ruzsa then bowed his head in submission and waited.

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