Mate Manual -- Chapter 6

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After I realized I couldn't fall asleep I decided I needed to talk to Alpha Janko Apollonios, the older man who questioned me during our last meeting. He could fill me in on politics since I was a nube . I thought about a few scenarios about how to do this, and decided that I would ask Aaron to have Alpha Apollonios sit next to me at dinner.

I 'linked' Aaron and made my request. My mate was puzzled and silent for a moment but told me he'd make the arrangements, he knew I was up to something. And he was right. I figured that Alpha Apollonios knew who the shooter was, or had a pretty good guess.

With that problem solved I kicked off my shoes and dress and flopped into bed, I was tired and needed a nap.


I woke up to pleasant hands rubbing all along my body getting me all worked up. I felt and smelled my mate and just smiled, leaning into his caresses.

"I love finding you so docile, so quiet."

"Yea, it's called sleeping, Aaron." I opened my eyes and saw my mate in only his boxers. I just couldn't pull my eyes from his chest and abs. And his shoulders that were magically connected to these massive arms. I licked my lips and my gaze trailed up and up until I met his amused eyes.

I lifted my arm and touched his beautiful mark at the base of his neck and he closed his eyes and moaned. Keeping his eyes closed he started talking to me, "We need to get ready for this mysterious dinner, it starts in an hour." I leaned forward and kissed his chest, just quick little nips using my open mouth and teeth.

"Uh huh," is all I replied as I kept moving my mouth over him, up his neck and along his jawline which had some prickly stubble. But his lips were so much softer, and he reacted immediately by opening and pushing me underneath him.

He pulled back smiling, "We'll have to continue this a little later, mate. I want to take my time with you." He kissed me then walked to the bathroom. And adding over his shoulder, "Plus I want to give you an update on today's events."

Well that got me curious.

I finished dressing and my mate exited the bathroom entirely naked. I was getting ready at a nice vanity with a mirror, and I watched him in the room wandering around getting dressed.

"Lange, I arranged for your Alpha to sit next to you- so do you want to tell me why?"

I made my hands finish putting my earrings in, and I also forced my mouth to form the words I wanted to say. "I, um, want to ask him who shot at us."

Aaron suddenly stopped and looked at me, his pants were on but not fastened, his shirt was on but not buttoned, and he was standing there in bare feet. My mouth was watering. "What in the hell are you talking about?"

I stood up and turned around to face him, "I believe he knows just about everything that happens in our happy little slice of heaven." I crossed my arms and waited for my dear mate's reply.

Frowning at me he started to button up his shirt. I wanted to pout but made myself look up into his face. "Just how do you think you know that?"

I took a deep breath, "Well as patronizing as your 'support' sounds, Alpha Apollonios is the oldest Alpha at the Summit, and I think he's centrally located meaning he's had private treaties with all of them- probably many you know nothing about- and he is the calmest one here. I believe he knows more than he's telling you."

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