Mate Manual -- Chapter 2

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The next few days were filled with mostly male clients, most of whom were carrying my stupid book so I got to gleefully dash their hopes of manipulating their way into someone's bed. I was also annoyingly busy in meetings with Emma. Emma had pretty much taken over from the owner Caro after Caro found her mate a few months ago. Caro had initially resisted her mate, but staying away from him almost killed her- and affected her inner Wolf.

But Caro learned more about her mate and decided to give him a try, and they were now happily together and expecting their first pup. I was glad for Caro, and I was glad for anyone who wanted to find their mate. But why did some sort of weird DNA switch get to decide who I was going to spend the rest of my life with?

I hated not having a choice about this part of my life.

I realized I was also rejecting my mate but didn't feel like I was dying, in fact I felt pretty good living my life how I wanted it. Mate-free is a good way to be.

"Lange, are you listening?" Emma asked me as I sat in a conference room with Mary Linwood in the chair next to me.

I actually wasn't listening but my attention was drawn back to this room to have this argument-again.

"Yes Em, but I don't see why-" I started to say but Emma cut me off again.

I just sighed as she explained the latest decision, "Lange, you know that Caro wants you to handle this personally, you have the most experience with Royalty. You understand the needs of the elite more than anyone else here, and even Mary agrees."

Emma looked over at Mary who shook her head 'yes' to support her boss.

I turned to face Mary, we always had a healthy rivalry going on. "Mary, don't tell me you don't want this assignment because I know you do. I know you want the chance to be with the Prince, to stay at the Palace." Mary looked at me and swallowed, she knew I was right, she wanted this particular commission badly.

Emma saw the hesitation in her 'ally' and backpedaled. "Lange, I'm asking you as a personal favor to take this assignment."

I stood up slowly and moved my head to stretch my neck out a few times, then looked her straight in the eye. "I'm sorry Emma, but I just can't take this assignment. It would be just too draining right now and I know he'll be in good hands with Mary."

Emma stood there with her arms crossed over her chest and I saw the fighter's gleam in her eye and knew I was in for a fight. Well I was done with this tiring argument and was just going to leave.

Emma looked at me and started to smile slightly, I saw the corners of her mouth curl up like a snake right before it struck at it's unwilling victim. Her eyes darted behind me, then back. "Then you'll have to be the one to tell the Prince why you're refusing to work with him. He requested you personally."

And just at that moment an amazing, mouthwatering aroma hit me. No! I cried internally and balled my hands into fists. Mary and Emma lowered their heads as I heard a deep, masculine, sexy voice behind me.

"And exactly why are you refusing me Ms. Pepperlin?"

I closed my eyes and slowly turned toward... him. Lowering my head in respect I refused to look at him, but I knew a lost cause when I saw one. His aura of power had quickly enveloped me, making me submit.

And I had already lost this fight. Damn you Emma!

"Ms. Pepperlin?" the Prince prompted again, I could tell he wasn't used to asking his questions twice. I simply didn't know how to respond. I had my plans but none of them included being surprised by my mate. In fact all of them had the scenario of avoiding my mate. I kept my head lowered but heard Emma and Mary leave the office, closing the door.

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