Waiting For Emma -- Chapter 1

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This is not a historical fiction, I'm just using pictures from the movie The Scarlet Pimpernel...

Emma sighed in the back of her car. Her driver and bodyguard, Lance, raised his brow as he continued driving. But she saw the reaction in his mirror before he briefly looked in the back seat.

"Princess? What are you thinking?" Lance always had to pry her thoughts from her.

Emma just looked out the window for a moment, then growled before answering, she hated to be called princess. "I don't know why the Prince asked me to report on the escapes, Lance. What the hell do I know?"

Lance just grinned at her, "Emma, you have this amazing ability to get information from people. They just trust you."

Emma didn't agree with that assessment and just sighed again. But maybe being overweight had a perk after all. Maybe people could trust her since she posed no threat to them, their world was just so brutal after all.

The 'wolf' world where emotions could turn a sane person into a raging wolf in a heartbeat. She could shift, but was never trained to fight. She was a city wolf after all.

'But a kick-ass city wolf' her own wolf corrected her, voicing her opinion in her head. Her wolf never had a problem being overweight, she took the mandatory training sessions with her pack once a month, but could just never lose the weight.

She just sighed again as Lance pulled up in front of the Prince's hotel, waiting for Lance to open her door. Lance had lectured her numerous times about waiting for him to open the door, he had to scope out the environment for threats first.

Emma picked up her briefcase and exited the car when Lance held the door open. "All clear, Princess."

Growling lowly Emma said through clenched teeth, "Stop calling me 'Princess', Lance!"

Nodding his head to her he replied, "As you wish," while escorting her through the lobby and to the elevator. She noticed there were several 'wolf' Royal Guards around the room as expected. Lance escorted her to the Prince's room and waited until the door shut behind her before he took a few steps back and waited for her by the elevator.

It was an honor to serve the Prince by protecting one of the 'League' members, and he had spent years with Emma while she organized and participated in planning 'special ops' in various parts of the world. If something needed done, Emma would find a way. She just had a way about her that diffused tensions and was a valuable asset to the Monarchy.


Emma stood patiently in the entryway to the Suites, and the Prince quickly looked up at her as he finished his phone call.

"Alphonso, just complete the assignment and I expect your report by 8 am tomorrow morning." He paused a moment growing agitated. "I don't fucking care how you do it, just get it done- and no more excuses! AND NO MORE TIME!" The prince shouted the last part into the phone and slammed it down.

Growling at the phone he stood and ran his hands through his hair and paced back and forth. Emma had seen this many times before and just waited until he calmed down a little. It took about two minutes before the Prince sniffed the room and glanced over to the door.

Gesturing to one of the sofas by the fireplace, the Prince seemed to calm down. "Please sit, Emma, and forgive my outburst. Not all my agents are as organized and productive as you."

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