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Y/N's P.O.V
I rang the doorbell at Gilinsky's house and he almost immediately opened the door. When he got to the door, Madison was holding on to his leg.
"Hey Gilinsky! How ya doin'?"
"Y/N! I'm great how are you? Come in!" He says whilst hugging me. I stepped into his house and took in the familiar scent. I noticed Madison had gotten up off the floor to greet me.
"I'm Madison, Jackies girlfriend.Who tf are you?" She asked disgusted while playing with her fake ass nails.
"I'm Y/N, Jack's bestfriend." I said, sticking my hand out to shake hers. She just walked back into the living room and scowled. Jack and I walked into the kitchen.
"Well she sure is something." I said, letting out a low chuckle.
"That something is annoying as fuck. Like this girl is 17 and holding onto my leg like her life depended on it. When I got up to open the door, she pulled me back down and was like "it's gonna be lonely here without you" obviously I wasn't gonna say anything cause I didn't want to be rude but in my head I was like "then use your lazy ass popsicle stick legs to get your God damn teddy bear out of your bag"
"She has a teddy bear?!"
"Uh yeah and she still uses me as one."
"Well, you're a good boy for not being rude." I said patting his cheek and kissing his jaw. "but now we have to tend to that beast." I said referring to Madison. "Let's go" I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the living room where Madison was watching SpongeBob. I attempted to sit down next to her but she moved her legs so they took up that spot. I tried sitting on her other side and she did the same thing. I tried sitting on the other couch but she threw her teddy bear on that one. So I just stood up. Jack was sitting on Madison's right side.
"Y/N, why don't you sit down?"
"Cause Madison won't let me."
Jack scooted over so I could sit next to him but Madison again wouldn't budge. We both turned around to look at her and she was playing with her fake nails, again. She smirked but didn't look at us.
"Madison?" Gilinsky said
"Yes babe?" She replied, rubbing his arms up and down.
"Could you please move so Y/N can sit?" He said through gritted teeth, getting frustrated.
"Sure babe." She said, adding a little giggle at the end and biting her lip. Is she trying to be sexy or is she trying to be a hoe?
She moved towards Jack so I could sit on her side. I sat down and watched SpongeBob.

***20 minutes later***

It's been 25 minutes since I got here and I'm starting to understand Gilinsky now. The WHOLE time, she kept poking me and pinching me when Gilinsky wasn't paying attention. And she kept sticking out her butt, boobs, and she even crawled over his lap and shoved her butt in his face. He wasn't affected at all. He just kept watching the show.


It was finally time for 'the beast' to leave and Gilinsky was super happy. When her mom came to pick her up, he was jumping with joy. We waved bye to her while she walked out the door. She waved to Jack but not to me. When he closed the door, he turned around and hugged me really tight while shaking me.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." He said smiling really big.
"No problem. Now I gotta get to Nate's. Bye" I kissed his cheek and walked to the door.
"Oh wait a minute." I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the full box of cheez its then left. He didn't mind because I always take food from his house. I walked out the door and made my way to Nate's house.

***Nate's House***

I walked into Nate's house and sat on the couch while eating my cheez its. I turned on the tv to the basketball channel which was playing highlights from games. I waited till Nate came down to talk to me.

Nate's P.O.V
I was taking a shower when I heard the tv on downstairs and I knew that
Y/N was here. I was going to ask her if she wanted to move in with the boys and I cause we had already planned it before but we never told her. None of us are dating her but Sammy and I both like her in a 'more than a friend' way. She's just that awesome. I know that if either one of us asked her out and she said no to both of us, she wouldn't make it awkward. She would love us the same. She's one of the guys.
I got dressed in some basketball shorts and put on a SnapBack. I didn't feel like wearing a shirt cause what guy wears a shirt around their own house? So I walked downstairs and saw Y/N watching basketball highlights. She heard me, turned her head, looked at me, then turned back to the tv while eating a box of cheez its.
"Well hello to you too." I said chuckling.
"Sup" she said popping the 'p' and stuffing her mouth with cheez its. I walked over to her on the couch and sat down next to her. I was going to grab some cheez its but she moved over and put her legs on my lap. She didn't take her eyes off the tv screen but she kept eating.

***10 minutes later***

After 10 minutes of watching basketball highlights, Y/N turned off the tv and stood up. She bent down and hugged me.
"Sorry I didn't hug you before. I was really interested in the game." She kissed my cheek then sat back down.
"So what did you wanna talk to me about?" She asked.
"Well, first you have to promise that you won't think it's weird when I ask you."
"Yeah yeah I promise." She said, kissing my cheek. In our squad, we make promises by kissing each other on the cheek, we don't make pinky promises. The boys don't kiss each other, they fist bump but Y/N gives us kisses and hugs. And we all love Y/N's kisses and hugs.
"Ok so the boys and I were thinking about you moving in with us. If you don't want to that's totally fine we just thought we would give it a shot since you're our best friend an-" before I could finish she jumped on me and hugged me and we fell off the couch. I was laughing uncontrollably cause she was so happy. She ended up straddling my waist on the ground. She kissed me all over my face while saying "thank you thank you thank you." She got off me and sat down on the couch. I was still on the ground with a sad look on my face cause I kinda liked that position. I got up and sat down on the couch.
"So I'm gonna take that as a yes." I said laughing at the end.
"That is a total yes! I never thought you would ask me that."
"Well you better be packed cause we're moving in two days."
She got up and hugged me again then she left with her box of cheez its. This is gonna be fun.

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