groupchat ● ogoc

276 14 3

W/ Sammy, Gilinsky, Skate, Johnson, Madison, and Stassie

Stassie Girl❤️: hello mah hoes

y/n: hey bitchacho (a/n:R5familyisbae 😂😂😂)

Madison🖕😡: why are you people texting in this groupchat.

y/n: because it was created by yours truly. who added your popsicle stick ass into it.

Madison🖕😡: Jackie did 😍

Finnegan🙄👌: nah uh I didn't add your ass into anything

Madison🖕😡: Jackie why are you talking to me like that 😣😥

Finnegan🙄👌: because your at an age where you can understand that I don't like you, we're not dating, we never did, and we never will.

Johnny Boy💘: oh damn, ish just got real

Skathan 🐯: ^^^^^^^

Silky Wilky 😊: ^^^

Madison 🖕😡 has left the chat

y/n: thank the lord, hallelujah hallelujah 🙏🙏🙏

Skathan 🐯: does anyone wanna come over?

Stassie Girl❤️: busy

Silky Wilky 😊:^^

Johnny Boy💘:^^^

Finnegan🙄👌: ^^^^

y/n: i don't have a life so sure

Skathan 🐯: thanks babygirl 😘

y/n: no problem Monte 💘

Skathan 🐯: see ya in a bit 😉

y/n: see ya 😊

Silky Wilky 😊: are you guys sure you aren't dating

Skathan 🐯: not yet 😏

y/n: oh my gosh 🙈

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