nate maloley

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Bre's P.O.V
"Fuck you, Sammy. Fuck you." I yelled at Sammy because he beat me at Call of Duty.
"If you wanted to win so badly, you should've tried harder." He said, smirking.
"Ugh, I take this shit seriously, and what do you do? You fucking beat me!" I said, putting my hands behind my head and pacing back and forth.
He grabbed me by the waist and sat me back down on his lap. He's been so touchy lately.
"Samuel, I swear to God I will take my shoe and shove it down your fucking throat if I don't win again." I said with a serious look on my face. I then noticed Nate staring at Sammy like he was about to fucking attack him.
I got off Sammy's lap and we restarted the game. We played for a good 20 minutes until I won. I jumped off the couch and started dancing and butt tapping them.
"I let you win babygirl." I stared at him in confusion to the sudden nickname.
"Whatever, I need water." I walked to the kitchen and Sammy followed. Nate sat at the counter. I opened the fridge and looked through it for water or something to drink. Sammy came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He started lightly kissing my neck which felt really uncomfortable. I put my hand in between his lips and my neck and stepped forward a little bit but he continued.
"Sammy stop." I said putting my hand in between his face and my neck again. He kept doing it and it was getting really annoying. I said stop one more time to see if he would listen.
"She said stop bro." Nate said getting off the stool.
"And who said you could speak for her." Sammy fired back.
"I did now stop. She doesn't want you touching her like that." Nate said.
"Like what? Like this?" He said and put his hand up my shirt and started rubbing his hand up and down my stomach. Nate shook his head and went to grab my wrist but Sammy stopped him. He flicked his hand away. Sammy used his other hand to touch my legs.
"Sam, I swear to fucking God if you don't stop touching Bre like that we're gonna have some problems. You know she has been in an abusive relationship before. You're just making this worse for her."
"Try me." Sammy took his hands off me and started to square up.
"No no no guys please don't do this." I said grabbing Nate's wrists.
"No, Bre! Move!" Sammy yelled and I flinched at his sudden outburst. I stepped back, scared of what he would do. Nate threw a punch at Sammy but he quickly dodged it and punched Nate back. He fell on the floor and Sammy got on top of him and started punching him repeatedly. Nate just lay there. Defenseless. I couldn't stand seeing him like that. I ripped Sammy off of Nate and shoved him out of the door.
I looked out the window in the door and saw that Sammy was walking away. I picked Nate up off the floor and helped him onto the counter. I made sure he was conscience before I went upstairs to get a first aid kit. I came back down and set the kit in the counter.
I took some alcohol and put it on a cotton ball.
"This might sting a little." I said to him, the cotton ball hovering over the wound in his face. He nodded, letting me continue. I dabbed it on his face while he let out a low groan.
I fixed him up then let him get off the counter.
"Why did you fight him?" I asked hugging him.
"It was nothing." He said, softly stroking my hair.
"Oh it was something. Why did you fight him?" I asked once again, getting a little impatient.
He stepped back away from me. "Cause I love you ok? I have loved you for a while now but I was just too oblivious to see it. When I finally confirmed my feelings for you, Sammy and I kind of had a little feud cause he liked you too but I knew he was fuckboy so I just left it alone." He looked down in embarrassment. I walked up to him and kissed his lips passionately, being careful not to touch the wounds on his face. He noticed what was happening and kissed back. I pulled away after a little while.
"I love you too Nate."
"Well that escalated quickly." He said chuckling.
"C'mon. We can watch movies for the rest of the day. I'll even sleepover."
"That's sounds great to me."

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