hayes grier ● requested

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Sunnys P.O.V.

"babe have you seen my red camo pants?" hayes asks as he walks into our room with no pants on and a black t shirt. i was laying on our bed with pajama shorts and a tank top, watching netflix. i looked him up and down and bursted out laughing.

"what's so funny?" he asked, lightly chuckling.

"you look like a dumbass." i threw my head back and continued laughing. i soon felt him jump on me and his head collide with my boob. not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to make me squirm.

"but im a cute dumbass, right?" he raised his eyebrow and smirked at me. i finally got myself to stop laughing and i looked down at his head laying on my tit and his beautiful blue eyes looking up at me.

"sure. whatever you say." he kissed my jaw, up my neck, and finally reached my lips.

he suddenly deepened the kiss and straddled my hips. as he was about to take my top off, we heard a loud crash come from the living room downstairs.

"c'mon zan. why do you have to be such a cock block? damn."  he got off me and i laughed loudly. but then i realized. i left zan in his cage. he was bugging me while i was trying to make lunch so i left him there. he's not capable of opening that cage on his own.

"wait hayes!" i whispered kinda loudly.

"why are you whispering?" he whispered back. i got up off the bed and walked over to him, standing in front of the door that was open. i faced him and grabbed his wrist while turning on the light in the hallway. i slowly started walking towards the staircase, still holding on to his arm.

"i put zan in his cage a while ago and i never let him out. im assuming you didnt either." i gave him a look and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"you're right. i didn't." he responded.

we looked over the balcony and saw someone in the kitchen, rummaging through our fridge. we slowly walked down the stairs.

i grabbed a vase from one of the little stands in front of our stairs. i gave hayes a quick peck on the lips and grabbed his face with both hands. "i love you, ok?" i saw a single tear fall down his cheek while he grabbed one of my wrists and caressed the side of his face with it.

"i love you, too." he responded.

i let go of his face. i turned and walked towards the fridge to the guy that was taking our food. i raised the vase over his head, about to smash it when he turned around and grabbed both my wrists. i dropped the vase on the little space we had between our feet. he started to back me up against the counter.

hayes jumped on him from behind and started to punch him everywhere. zan started barking and the guy eventually let go of me. hayes wrestled him to the ground while i turned on the kitchen light. the guy started begging for hayes to stop hitting him and he stopped.

we took a good look at him. he was a dark skinned man, around his 50s, he had a torn up shirt and raggedy shoes.

"im sorry, im sorry. im homeless. i need some food to feed my family. please stop hurting me." the man was crying and blocking hayes's hand from hitting him.

"hayes get off him." hayes got off of him and i helped the poor man up.

"im sorry but i dont know any other way of getting food. i mean no harm." i gave the man a hug and he gave me a hug back. we released from the hug.

"we have some pop tarts and oreos in the cabinets. i'll get you some." i said to him.

"here you go sir." i handed him the food and hayes stared in awe. i led the man to the front door while he continuously thanked me.

"god bless you miss. have a nice night." he said to me as he turned around to walk away after giving me another hug.

"no problem sir. have a nice night." i said to him as he walked away. i shut the door with a huff and saw hayes cleaning up the glass on the floor.

"you are such a good person yet so badass. how do you do that?" he smiled at me as he threw the glass away.

"it's how my momma made me." i shrugged and walked over to the living room to let zan out of his cage. i bent over to open it when i felt a slap on my butt.

"im exhausted hayes. not today." i said to him. i opened the cage and zan ran wild.

"ok ok fine. but we're doing it tomorrow." he smirked at me and kissed my hair.

"ok we'll do it tomorrow." i laughed at his immaturity and went to lock the front door.

we layed in bed cuddled up with each other just talking until i noticed something.

"i just noticed something." i giggled.

"what?" he mumbled into my collar bone.

"you weren't wearing pants that whole time." we laughed.

zan ran into the room and we cuddled with him until we fell asleep.

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