jack gilinsky

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Y/N's P.O.V
I was texting the boys and they decided they wanted to come over. I was wearing pajamas so I decided to get dressed (outfit above) and brush
my teeth. I had a little crush on Gilinsky but I don't think he would like me.
The doorbell rang while I was sitting on the couch watching Young and Hungry on On Demand. I paused it then opened the door. I hugged them all as they walked in and sat on the couch. Gilinsky was last and he gave me a longer hug than the rest. Weird.
When they all sat down, I asked if they wanted anything to drink.
"Water" Of course Johnson being innocent gets water.
"I'll come with you." Gilinsky says, since he didn't say anything he wanted to drink.
"Alright." I walked to the kitchen with him while the other boys yelled things like
"Get it, Gilinsky!" and
"Finally!" or
"No sex in the kitchen!" Gosh those boys sometimes.
I walked to the kitchen laughing with Gilinsky following behind. I went into the fridge while he sat at the counter.
"So how's life?" He asks.
"Great. How's yours?" I ask.
"Just peachy." He says kinda sarcastically, but just enough for me to notice.
"Nah it isn't. I can tell. You need therapy, boo?" I asked since they always come to me for advice.
"I thought you would never ask." He says. I throw him a water bottle and go back to the living room to give the rest of the fuckers their stuff.
"Gilinsky and I are going to the advice room." I yelled as I walked out.
"No sex in the advice room!"They all said in unison.
"Can you shut up!" I yelled laughing.

Gilinsky's P.O.V (oooooh)
Those boys are something. They all know how much I like y/n so thy always tease me about it. She's the only one who doesn't know. I'm planning on telling her in the advice room cause that is a sacred place.
I just love everything about her. The way her big (y/e/c) eyes sparkle when she talks about something she likes. Or when her soft (y/h/c) hair moves from side to side when she walks. And when she smiles or laughs, it's genuine and it lights up my day. I don't know where I would be right now if it weren't for her.
We made our way into the advice room and she sat down on the couch and patted her lap, signaling for me to sit down and put my head in her lap. And that's what I did. Then I started talking while she played with my hair.
"So there's this girl I like," "mhm" she responded. "And I don't know how to approach her so I can figure out if she likes me back," "ok" "so what do I do?" I ask.
"Well, I think you should go straight up to her and kiss her because she could feel the same way she could not I mean it all depends on how-" I cut her off by pulling her head closer to mine and kissing her. I could tell it caught her by surprise. She smiled into the kiss and so did I. I pulled away and she looked at me smiling.
"So who's the girl?" She asked, chuckling.
"You?" I said with worry laced in my voice, questioning if I should have kissed her. She just laughed again.
"I know, dipshit." She said laughing.
"Phew, thank the lord," I said panting dramatically, "I thought I was gonna have to explain myself." I finished, laughing it off.
"No need, I got the memo." She chuckled.
"Soooooo... Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.
"Yes I will, Doc McStuffens." She got off the couch and walked towards the door.
"Oh before you go," I said, stopping her making her turn back,"can you help me up cause I need some help and you look REALLY good in those leggings."
"Gosh, you boys are something." She said coming back and helping me up.

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