sammy wilk ● requested

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dis for my wifey for lifey thepancakequeen12 

    Jenessa's P.O.V.
    "Hey Sammy?"

    "Yes gorgeous?" He responded as he kissed my head while we were cuddling on our couch.

    "I'm bored, hoe." He put his hand over his heart, pretending to be offended.

    "Well excuse me. I thought I was called daddy, not hoe."

    "Well I'm calling you hoe so deal with it." I turned around to face him and kissed his nose.

    "Whatcha ya wanna do?"

    "Wanna bake?" I asked him with hope in my voice.

    "Anything for my lady." He said with a bright smile.

    We put some music on the speakers and continued into the kitchen to make some brownies.

    "WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF I TOLD YOU THAT I LA LA LA LA LOVE YOU" I scream over the speaker as La La La La by The Cab was playing.

   "Pass me the brownie mix...hoe" I giggled as Sammy glared at me. I turned around and get smacked in the face with brownie mix.

    "Ooh it's on chicken head." I said kinda scarily. He started running around the kitchen as I chased him.

    He ended up slipping and busting his ass so to make him feel better we took a shower...together.



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