hayes grier ● requested

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For AliciaPalaciosLara
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Jasmine's P.O.V

I waited patiently for my brother, Gilinsky, and his best friend, Johnson, in the living room as they called all their friends to go to the beach.

"I guess Hayes and Nash are already at the beach so we can just meet them there and wait for the rest of the boys." Johnson said. They started moving around as I was pulled into my own thoughts.

I heard the name Hayes and my heart immediately skipped. I've always had a little crush on Hayes but no one really knows except for my brother and my closest friends. I mean, how can you not like him? With his ocean blue eyes, (a/n: YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE ME CRY WHEN YOU GIVE ME THOSE OCEAN EYES...ok sorry) and his perfectly quiffed, brown, fluffy hair, his toned body, gorgeous smile, everything about him just makes me want to sleep forever with his arms wrapped around me while all I dream about is him.

My phone buzzed in my beach bag and I took it out quickly. My notification says I got a snapchat from Hayes.

Ya see, Hayes always makes it a must to show his nipple in every single one of the snapchats he sends me

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Ya see, Hayes always makes it a must to show his nipple in every single one of the snapchats he sends me. And I'm not complaining but sometimes it's just strange. Like just last night he was trying to lick peanut butter off his nipple. Anyways, he looks hot in this picture. I sent him a picture of me covering my face with my hands and my cheeks were hollowed and I captioned it 'streaks//recents'. G and J finally came downstairs and we headed out to the car to go to the beach.

Hayes's P.O.V

I was so excited for Jasmine to come to the beach today. Just hearing her name gives me butterflies inside. We have a 354 day streak on snapchat. I always send her a picture of my nipple or something that has to do with my nipple and she thinks it's funny but weird and I love it. Her laugh is music to my ears and her smile is sunshine to my eyes. Her dewy brown eyes make my heart flutter and her beautiful, long, soft, brown hair is like touching a cloud. I love everything about her and one day I hope, just hope, that's she feels the same way about me.

I heard the familiar engine sound of the black Jeep pulling up in he parking lot. I turned around and waited for Jasmine to come out of the car. When she finally did, I couldn't stop staring. Her body is perfect. Her bikini shows off just the right curves and dips and I couldn't be more thankful for boobs.

 Her bikini shows off just the right curves and dips and I couldn't be more thankful for boobs

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(a/n: let's pretend that blonde hair isn't there. Ok? Ok.)

My mouth was wide open and so were my eyes. Now, I know I'm only 16 but a guy can dream. I took it as my cue to stop when her brother gave me a playful yet serious glare and my brother smacked me across the head.

"Ow! Dude what the hell?" I looked up at him as he stared down at me.

"It's not polite to stare you dipshit." He spat at me in the rudest tone ever.

"Well I'm sorry if I think that Jasmine is gorgeous. How could you not think that? Just look at her." I stared back dreamily at her as she carried a chair to put next to mine in the sand. Her brother and Johnson came running up beside her as she smiled at me with her straight, pearly white teeth and beautiful luscious lips. Oh how I wish I could kiss those lips.

She set down her chair next to mine as she threw her bag on the sand in front of her and Gilinsky left the cooler in front of our chairs so he could jump in the water with Johnson and Nash. She shook off her flip flops lazily as she leaned back in her chair and bathed in the summer sun. She put her sunglasses on her head and just relaxed.

"You look gorgeous today." I said to her.

"Thanks. You look soooo tan, as your snapchat said." I chuckled and responded.

"Hey, hey, hey. I didn't say I was tan. I said I was trying to get tan. If I were tan already, I would literally be the color of this sand and lord knows I'm like the color of snow." I chuckled lightly.

She laughed and continued to talk,
"true." She said as she popped a Dorito in her mouth.

"Hey can I have one. You're making me hungry here." I said, referring to the Doritos. She rolled her eyes then responded.

"Fine." She said in an annoyed tone. She pointed the bag toward me for me to get one but I took the whole bag and ran around in circles around the chairs so she wouldn't take the Doritos back. She gasped and ran after me.

I ended tripping over my own foot and she tripped and fell right on top of me. She was straddled across my waist as I looked up at her still laughing while throwing her head back and covering her mouth. I dropped the bag of Doritos and took her hands off her face so I could look at her beautiful smile. She looked down at me slowly as our laughing died down and we just stared into each other's eyes. I slowly leaned up while she leaned down and our lips landed exactly where they were supposed to land, on the other persons lips. I felt sparks flying as our lips moved together in sync. I couldn't stop and didn't want to either but I knew I had to.

She pulled away first and looked at me with wide eyes. I immediately regretted kissing her until she started laughing. I think she liked it too. She got off me so I could get up. I towered over her as she sat down while she was still laughing her ass off.

"Why are you st-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before she grabbed my face in her small hands and kissed me again. This time I didn't want to stop and I wasn't going to. I lifted her up so her feet were on the ground and I wouldn't have to lean down. We kissed passionately until I pulled away for breath. She was smiling.

"Jasmine, I know you're Gilinsky's sister and all but I really like you and I always have. Do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend?" I asked her with hope in my voice.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend." She kissed me one more time before pulling my arm and dragging me to the ocean. "Now come on let's get to the water!" She lightly yelled while yanking my arms with her small hand to her wide eyed brother and his friends. Yep, this was definitely one of the best days of my life.

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