jack gilinsky ● requested

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For inGsarms

Gilinsky's P.O.V.
Today I decided to take my 1 month girlfriend, Emma, on a date. I'm going to take her to the basketball court to have a one on one game. She loves basketball.
I texted her that I was going to pick her up at around 11:00 (am) so she would have time to get ready. It's currently 9:00 am and she's probably sleeping so I decided to drive to her house.
《《《《《at Emma's house》》》》》

Emma's P.O.V.
I was awoken by a knocking on my balcony door. I quickly got up and grabbed my baseball bat under my bed, cause my bitch ass doesn't take any chances. (inGsarms i didnt mean that offensively. i just wanted to make someone laugh even though it probably didnt.) I slowly opened the curtain and peeked out. And there stood my boyfriend, Jack Gilinsky, with the dumbest looking smile on his face. Ah, the smile I can't ever get enough of. I lightly chuckled as I opened the balcony door to let him in.

"Entra na la casa de la Emma." I said while stepping to the side to let him in. He laughed while shaking his head and entering my bedroom. He laid down on my bed while I shut the balcony door.

"What do you want?" I asked him as I sat in my bed under the warm white covers.

He laid his head in my lap while I played with his soft brown hair and his eyebrows.

"SO, I was thinking maybe today we could shoot some hoops. You in?" He asks me.

I quickly got up from the bed and lunged toward my dresser to pick out clothes to wear.

Gilinsky's P.O.V.
Told ya.

Emma's P.O.V.
I soon decided on wearing white short shorts with my Stephen Curry jersey tucked in and some black converse. I came out of the bathroom and I see Jack laying on my bed just looking at the ceiling. When he heard the creaking of the door, he immediately looked up. He scanned my body up and down and smirked at me.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing. You just look really hot." He chuckled while pulling me down on the bed with him as I laughed.

And that's when the unexpected happened. He placed a lingering kiss on my lips. His soft, cherry flavored lips moved in sync with my strawberry flavored ones. He carressed the side of my face with his right hand as he tried to slip his tongue in. I giggled against his lips while I denied access. We pulled away for oxygen and smiled at each other while staring deeply into each others eyes.

Gilinsky's P.O.V.
I stared into her beautiful green eyes and ran my hand through her soft blonde hair. That's when I knew she was the one.

Emma's P.O.V.
I stared into his deep brown eyes and touched the side of his face. That was my first kiss.

"What do you say we just stay home and cuddle instead of going to the basketball court. I wanna have a lazy day with my amazing girlfriend." He smiled at me.

"I would love that." I replied.

He smiled at me before pulling me under the covers with him and turning on nteflix.

And that's when I knew he was the one.

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