jack johnson

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~enjoy that picture. I know you want to. Even Swazz would turn gay for him like look at his face.~

Johnson's P.O.V~

Y/N was sick at home all day today so I decided to just stay home and take care of her because I don't want her to need me and me not be there.

I woke up with her still cuddled to my side. 'She's so cute' my brain spoke to me. I quietly and carefully got up so I wouldn't wake her from her beautiful dreams. Quickly and quietly, I walked down the stairs to make her some breakfast. Now I'm not a pro but I can make the basics like eggs, bacon, oatmeal, (a/n: Ha y'all thought I was gonna say grits and sausage. We'll save smut for a different Omaha boy ;-) waffles and pancakes so that's exactly what I made. Y/N could make way better but she's sick so I wanna treat her.

I was making her food when I heard a voice like an angel from the top of the stairs say name. I turned and admired her beauty. Even when she was sick, she managed to stay flawless. I smiled at her and said, "Good morning, angel."

"Good morning, babe." She replied and smiled back at me, the smile that cure a disease.

She was only wearing a big white t-shirt and panties so it was very tempting to fuck the shit out of her but I held back cause she was sick. I turned back around to put the bacon on a plate and I felt too small arms wrap around my torso.

"You're soooo CUTE!" She cooed in my ear. I almost melted at the sound of her voice. She gives me butterflies by just simply being herself. We had been best friends since diapers and in 9th grade, I had finally confessed my love for her. She was dating some douche named Romeo (funny right?) back then but then she caught him cheating on her so she let me comfort her. Then I ended up asking her out after she totally forgot about him and she said yes. Ever since then, she's made me such a happy man. We moved in together about 4 months ago into a big apartment in Cali. And here we are now.

She kissed my cheek then turned around to sit on the island. I watched her and wondered how I got so lucky to meet a beauty like her.

I put the rest of the food on separate plates and put them on the island in front of her. Y/N didn't hesitate to to put all of it on a plate and dig in. I was surprised that she didn't care about how she looked while she was eating in front of me. I just stared at her in amusement.

"What?" She looked at me with a mouth full of bacon and wide eyes.

"Nothing. I just love you!" I leaned in to kiss her lips but she quickly put her palm on my lips to prevent me from kissing her.

"I'm sick. Don't kiss me you asshole." She explained.

"Fine." I responded with a roll of my eyes. She just looked at me and started laughing like crazy. The fact that almost everything I do makes her laugh is amazing to me and makes me love her more each day. Her smile and the sound of her laughing is like angels to me.

When we finished our food, we went to the couch to cuddle and watch The Good Place. I was the big spoon, as always, and Y/N was the little spoon. I laid my hand over her waist while she put her hand over mine. I swear I could've stayed in that position forever but Y/N had to get tissues for her runny nose upstairs in the bathroom.

She came back down stairs about 5 minutes later.

"What took you so long?" I questioned.

"Oh I couldn't open the box so I had to get scissors from my desk." She said giving me a slight smile.

"Ok I love you!" I cooked in her ear as she slowly drifted off to sleep next to me.

"Love you too, " was the last thing I heard until light snores escaped her mouth. I chuckled a bit and drifted off to sleep too.

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