nate maloley

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Nate's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of giggling coming from beside me. My 4-year-old daughter, y/d/n, and my wife, y/n were laughing at something on her phone. I peeked over my shoulder, not letting them know that I woke up, and looked at what they were laughing at. Me. I was sleeping with my mouth partly opened, my hair all over my face, and my hand down my pants.
I turned around and scrolled through the camera roll to see a bunch of them. I turned to my girls and started tickling them. They laughed uncontrollably which made me happy. I stopped tickling them then gave them both kisses. I picked up y/d/n and walked down the stairs with her and y/n following close behind. After each step, y/d/n would laugh because she would jump. I hopped off the last step and ran to the couch, y/d/n falling on it with me. Y/N walked down the stairs laughing with that beautiful smile of hers. I walked to the kitchen and placed y/d/n in her stool.
I walked up behind y/n while she was getting out the pancake mix and kissed her collarbone repeatedly while hugging her.
"Happy Birthday!" I said in between kisses.
"Mm thank you" she turned her head and kissed my lips.
She made breakfast and we ate it. It was really good. Then y/n spoke up.
"So what's the plan for today?" She asked while putting the dirty dishes in the sink.
"Well we have gifts then a surprise from me. And then we can do anything you wanna do." (a/n: video promo up in here!!!😏) She nodded her head.
"Ok. Gift time!" y/d/n said. I went upstairs and brought her gift back down. I gave it to my wife. She opened it.

 She opened it

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She gasped.
"You didn't!"
"Oh but I did, lil mama." I said, loving her reaction.
"Oh my goodness, Nathan, thank you so much." She jumped on me and kissed me all over my face.
"No problem. Now it's time for
y/d/n's present!" I took her off the stool and let her waddle up the stairs by herself.
"So you like it so far?" I asked.
"I love it. I couldn't ask for a better way to spend my birthday." She said happily.
"It's about to get better once I show you my surprises." I said smirking.
"They better not be in your pants." She said laughing and turning around to get a cup of water.
"Oh trust me it's not." I said chuckling. Y/D/N came walking down the stairs with a little box in her hand.
"Here you go, mommy!" She said handing it to her mom.
"Thank you, baby!" y/n said, taking the box then putting y/d/n on her hip. She pulled a little Alex & Ani bracelet out of the box.
"It's beautiful, baby! I love it." She said, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She put her down on the counter and waited for my surprise.
"Ok so here we go." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went into notes. My surprise was I made a rap for her.

I got butterflies
I'm tongue tied
Tryna find a map
Cause I'm lost in your eyes
I like to play it cool
Now I'm feeling real shy
Don't know what to do so its
Hello, goodbye
Wait, let me get myself together
Hold up
It's just you're looking really cute
And I almost froze up
Cause every time you come around
I get this feeling
I can't explain it
But you know it's kind of like a million
A million places
Aye, you got it all but you don't know
And I think that's what I really like the most though
Cause all them other girls look
Exactly the same and I love the way you don't so just don't ever change
Cause girl you're one of a kind and if I could make you mine then I'd spend all of my time on you
And we could spend a night underneath the stars
Just you and me together girl you got my heart

I looked up and she was crying. She stood up and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her small figure and softly stroked her hair.
"I love you so so so much, Nate. I'm so grateful for you!" She sobbed into my chest.
"Same here, babygirl. Same here." I kissed her on the lips and patted her butt. She gasped and I took the time to slip my tongue into her mouth.

Y/N's P.O.V
I opened my eyes to see y/d/n covering her eyes. I pulled away from Nate and he had a confused look on his face. I pointed behind him to our daughter with her hands over her eyes. We laughed then tickled her from behind. She laughed and took her hands off her face.
"So what is this other surprise?" I ask my husband.
"Oh right. I have to get it upstairs." He ran up the stairs into our room then closed the door.
"So how is your day mommy?" My beautiful daughter asked me in her little 4-year-old voice, playing with my hair.
"My day is going great, beautiful. How about yours?"
"As long as you are happy, mommy, I am too!" She said smiling really big.
"Awwww!" I gave her a big hug and didn't let go.

Nate's P.O.V
I grabbed the puppy out of the little box in the closet.

When I walked down the stairs, I saw the most beautiful thing ever

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When I walked down the stairs, I saw the most beautiful thing ever. My two favorite girls bonding. Asking each other how their days were. And then my daughter said that as long as her mother is happy, she is happy,too. Then they hugged. I ran down the stairs and hugged them, too.
"We're raising you right, babygirl." I said to her then kissed her forehead.
I handed the puppy to y/n and her face lit up.
"Oh my gosh he is so cute!" She said, holding him up.
"What do you want to name it, mommy?" y/d/n asked.
"How about you name it, babygirl." y/n said.
"Ok. I like Chico." She said in her little toddler voice.
"That's nice, baby." She said to her.
"Welcome to the family, Chico." I said to him.
We had a family hug and the rest of the day was spent with my beautiful wife and daughter and filled with laughter, love, and fun.

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