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Y/N's P.O.V
The boys invited me over today because they were bored with each other's company and I always come up with something fun to do so yeah. My parents died a while ago so that's why I lived by myself. I got changed (outfit above) then drove there. I knocked on the door with my keys in the other hand.
Johnson opened the door and his eyes lit up when he saw me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and let me walk in. The others were in the living room, sitting on the couch, watching
'Get Hard'. There was a space in between Nate and Sammy so I did a front flip kinda thing onto the couch to surprise them.
"Hellllooooooo" I said in Johnsons voice so they would think its him.
"Johnson why would y-" Gilinsky turned around before he could finish his sentence. He saw me and tackled me over Sammy's lap. When the other two dimwits noticed who I was they also tackled me. Then Johnson joined, too.
"Get off me you, fat asses!" I yelled
"Damn, you guys are excited as shit." I said, panting and fixing my shirt. They laughed then turned off the tv.
"Sooooo, what are we gonna do?" Nate asked. Just then, an idea popped into my head.
"Oooooohh, can I do your makeup?" I asked really excitedly. They all looked at each other in approval.
"Sure." They said in unison
"Yassss!" I screamed then ran upstairs to get my makeup bag from my room. They're like my family so I have a room and a bathroom there cause I sleepover a lot.
I grabbed my makeup bag and ran down the stairs. I jumped off the last step and said "who wants to go first?" They all pointed to Nate and I laughed. I grabbed a chair from the basement and brought it back upstairs so Nate could sit on it. I sat on his lap facing him so I could do his makeup.
"Why didn't you just grab another chair?" He asked me.
"Do you not want me to sit on you?" I asked him tilting my head to the side.
"No I'm fine with it. Just wondering." He said smirking. He placed his hand on my hips and let me do my job.
I picked up the concealer.
"What is that?" He asked.
"It's concealer. You can apply it anywhere you would like." I said concentrated on his face. The other boys were watching me. I applied the concealer into his face then used a beauty blender to blend it out. After I did that, I started messing with his eyebrows. I just felt them over and over until I decided what to do with them. I took out my tweezers so I could pluck his eyebrows. Luckily, he didn't complain.
"So why are you doing this to my eyebrows?" He asked, chuckling.
"Because your eyebrows have potential. I just wanna fix them. You're gonna look like a Brazilian princess after this." After that, he started playing with my boobs. I didn't really mind cause everyone but Johnson does this to me. He has too much respect for women.
"These are really fun to play with." He said laughing.
"You are such a child." I said laughing.
"Yes, yes I am."
I was now gonna fill in his eyebrows. There was music playing in the background so I decided to sing along.
"I just wanna ease your mind and make you feel alright, so go head' tell your baby mama you gon' be with me tonight."
"Oh I will." They all said.
"Gosh, you guys are such pervs." I said, laughing.
"Only for you, babe." They said in unison. I rolled my eyes and continued my work.
I took some tape and put it on the end of each of his eyebrows.
"Why the hell do you spend so much time on my eyebrows?" He asks.
"Because like I said before, your eyebrows have potential and I am going to make you look like a Brazilian princess." I said moving my hands in a rainbow motion. "Speaking of eyebrows-" I turned to Gilinsky "- be grateful that your eyebrows are that amazing cause you don't have to go through this shit." He laughed.
I twisted the ends of the tape.
"Are you trying to rip my hair off?" Nate asked.
"I do this so that when I pull the end-" I demonstrated "- your eyebrows go up." I smiled at him. "Ooh, that arch." I said making the boys laugh.
I took the eyebrow pencil thing and filled in his eyebrows. Then I put on some mascara and eyeliner. Then I applied lip gloss to his lips.
"Ya know, it's funny how you do this on us but you don't even wear makeup." Sammy said.
"true, true. you guys are like my little makeup dolls." I said, grinning from ear to ear.
I finished Nate and repeated the process on the other boys. Except for the eyebrows on Gilinsky and the eyelashes on Sammy. I did Sammy last.
"How does this not turn you on?" Sammy asked when he was playing with my boobs.
"Cause you guys are my best friends. Best friends don't turn each other on." I said giggling.
"Sammy, you have the eyelashes of a God. Like seriously," I turned his head so the boys could look at his eyelashes.
"Ya know what, fuck this mascara," I threw the mascara to Johnson. " You're good." I got off him. For the rest of the day, we watched movies, had a food fight in the kitchen, had a dance party, and I slept over.

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