groupchat ● ogoc + derek

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y/n: yooooo has anyone seen Derek?

Nate🙋🏻: nopety nope nope

Gilinsk👽: nah

Johnny Boy👓: not at all

Nate🙋🏻: why do you ask shawty

y/n: cause Sabrina (yours and Derek's daughter) has been asking for him but I have no I idea where he is. I've called and texted multiple times but he won't answer and I'm getting worried.

Johnny Boy👓: yeah about that

Gilinsk👽: we have something to tell you

y/n: what is it

Nate🙋🏻: Derek's cheating on you...

y/n: that's cool. I've done worse

Johnny Boy👓: what'd you do?!

Gilinsk👽: ^^^


y/n: i trusted him

Nate🙋🏻: slayyyyyy 😩😘

Gilinsk👽: damn you slay harder than Madison ever did

Johnny Boy👓:^true😂

y/n: can one of you guys come over to help me with her cause you're her uncles and she feels safe around you

Nate🙋🏻: omw!😌

Johnny Boy👓: same

Gilinsk👽: can't. Madison...

Nate🙋🏻: tell her it's a fucking emergency wtf! Dude you're so pussy whipped it's not even funny. You don't even like her!

Johnny Boy👓: that is a true fact

Gilinsk👽: just told her my sister's in the hospital. omw, Chica!

y/n: thanks guys! you're the best💘

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