Chapter Five

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A/N: Happy 4th o' Julyyyyyy

Update--possibly two--just cuz 's a holiday

"I can't believe you made us walk eight miles!" Jay was doubled over as they walked through the archway of Steep Wisdom, "Like, really?!"

 Lizz was still walking with a determined stride, straight towards the shop doors, "Something is wrong and I need to know what," she still hadn't told them that it was something wrong with Lloyd. They didn't need to know that and she couldn't explain how she knew even if she did tell them.

 Kai was grumbling, "How is she still so energetic?"

 Cole shrugged and drew in enough breath to run and catch up with Lizz, pushing into the shop before she did, "Sensei!"

 "It's an emergency!" Jay shouted, finally reaching the doors.

 "We need you!" Kai added.

 "It's important!" Lizz stressed.

 "Boys," Misako scolded from behind the counter, "...and Lizz... not so loud! Can't you see we have our first customers?"

 The little girl from said customers walked up to Jay, "Wow! The real Ninja! Can you shock me?"

 Jay made an uneasy noise, brushing past the girl, "Uh... Not now, kid. Maybe later, okay?" he leaned an elbow on the counter and whispered at Misako, "Where's Wu?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear... Lizz saw her uncle walking out from a back room, just as Kai alerted the others of his presence, "Sensei!"

 "Yes...?" Sensei Wu gave the group a wary look, as if he knew they'd done something wrong.

 "We were getting the word out-" Kai began.

 Cole shoved forward, "And then there was this wind!"

 "And our powers disappeared!" Zane added.

 "You were using your powers?!" Sensei facepalmed.

 "Yeah, I know," Jay stepped up, "We're terrible students but what happened to our powers?!"

 The wind outside picked up even more, turning the rickety old windmill. Lizz shuddered, hoping what Sensei would say would make her worse fears disappear, "If your powers are gone... then something must have happened to-"

 He cut off, looking out the wide open doors at an approaching figure. Sensei grabbed his hat, holding it against the wind, and picked up his staff. Lizz turned and looked, squinting against the harsh winds, "Lloyd..." she squeaked, her insides splintering. There was something all too different about him as he pulled down his hood.

 The little girl gasped, holding her father's hand, "It's Lloyd!" she pointed at the Green Ninja standing on the opposite side of the yard.

 "I know those winds..." Sensei Wu mumbled, glaring at the figure as the Ninja ran out, "That's not Lloyd!"

 "What do you mean that's not-" Lizz ran out, following at Kai's heels, "Lloyd!"

 "Step aside," Lloyd waved his arm, wishing the wall of Ninja out of his way. His voice was deeper, scratchier.

 "Lloyd," Jay took a few steps forward, the others following, "What's wrong with you?"

 "I want a word with your master," he replied over the wind's howling.

 Jay looked taken aback, "Whoa..."he mumbled, looking towards the others, "Lloyd's gone through puberty..."

 "What's gotten into him?" Cole asked, ignoring Jay's comment.

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