Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: Heyo. The only reason I'm updating this at this moment in time is because I've been writing all night cuz mom is ticking me off and so I have my headphones on and am writing so eeyyy have another chapter

NEXT CHAPTER I believe next chapter, anyway, is the chapter that everything goes to hell in so hehehehehehehehehehehehehe

"I don't know," she brushed past Nya, headed back to the tea shop, "And frankly, at this point in time, I really don't care."

Nya jogged to catch up with her, looking as if she wanted to say something. She thought against it, and the two walked back in silence. Nya started pulling ahead, and ended up beating Lizz back to the tea shop by a couple minutes. She found the others gathered inside, "Ronin has the Sword," Nya announced.

"What's he going to do with it?" Cole sassed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well obviously he's taken the Sword to Morro," Jay's voice leapt.

"Guys," Nya glanced over her shoulder, back out the door, "Guys, Lizz--"

"Is right here," she appeared in the doorway, forcing a malicious grin, "Speak of the Devil and she shall appear, amiright?"

A couple of the others smiled and chuckled. Zane got back to business, "But where is Morro? He could be anywhere, and we're running out of time!"

Cole unfolded his arms and motioned towards Lizz, his tone snippy, "Lizzi, I know you're under a lot of stress right now, but if you could--"

Lizz squared her shoulders and stepped up to Cole, fear of ghosts be damned, "One; you're not allowed to call me that. Two; don't use that tone with me, Brookstone," her voice was dripping with malice, her tone getting harder with every point she listed, "Three; I don't have any powers, just like none of you, so zip it. And four; I feel I am under way more stress than you could ever even think of having, so whatever the rest of your sentence was, I suggest you swallow it, because if you open your mouth again, the next thing out of it will be. your. teeth."

"Lizz!" The entire group was beyond appalled, but Wu was the only one to convey it verbally, "Enough! We all knew the path to save Lloyd was never going to be a straight line. We were all fooled by Ronin, but that doesn't make us fools. At times like this, we musn't butt heads, but put our heads together!

Lizz snorted at Cole, something akin to an angry animal, and turned to head across the room to lean on the front counter. Meanwhile, Jay was snorting like a pig while trying to conceal his giggles, "I'm sorry," he collected himself a little, "You said buttheads."

Falcon, from up in the rafters, started making a ruckus, and suddenly a projection of Ronin appeared, spiking Lizz's anger even more. The projection looked fruffled, and a tad skittish, "I can't talk loud," he turned around to face Lizz as he stage-whispered, "But I wanted to let you know you were right, kid. Morro didn't hold up his end of the bargain. Misako was right, too; the map and the Sword did reveal the Tomb. I saw the map and I know where it's located.

"I know you don't have the Sword, but I know you can beat them to the Tomb," he gasped and glanced backwards over his shoulder, at someone the Ninja couldn't see, "They're coming!"

Jay short circuited and went frantic, "Where?! Where is it? Where's the Tomb!" he demanded.

"The Caves of Despair," Ronin rushed out, "The-- omb --Caves o-of--- espair--" the hologram went on the fritz and pretty soon just died out completely.


Wu gasped, "The Caves of Despair... We've been there before. I don't remember seeing any tomb."

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