Chapter Three

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A/N: 'Mun't means "Mutant" 

Mun't 's just how I talk because I talk like a redneck all the damn time

"That's so not fair that I didn't get to get that mun't Fangfish with you guys" Lizz called to Cole over the wind.

 "It wasn't that big of a deal, anyway, Lizz," Lloyd shouted.

 "It was pretty big, though," Kai nodded.

 "Was it as big as your ego?" Lizz snickered.

 "Not quite that big," Jay assured her, landing in the yard of Sensei Wu's tea shop, "I think Zane's got some pictures of it, we'll show you later."

 One by one the dragons landed and Sensei Wu walked out of the small shop with a large box, "Ninja. You need to find customers."

 "Really?" Jay jumped off his dragon, followed by Nya right before the creature disappeared, "No hello. How's it going?" Jay asked, "Where were you? Anything? Really?"

 "Yeah, Sensei," Cole and Lizz slid off his dragon, walking towards Sensei Wu, "We're a little bit tired. Mind if we handle this tomorrow?"

 "You all have a share of this business if it succeeds," Wu argued lightly, "How else do you expect me to be able to afford all your new uniforms?" he set the box on the ground and opened it up, "Which reminds me. Your new ones arrived."

 "New suits?!" Kai grinned, walking closer with the rest of the guys.

 "What do they look like?" Jay gushed.

 "I bet they're off the hook!" Cole beamed.

 Lizz shook her head, "They have no idea..." she and Nya snickered as all the boys' faces fell. 

 Zane went closer, giving the white and baby-blue T-shirt a strange look, "Um... those do not appear to be new Ninja uniforms... They resemble... work attire." 

 "Very observant, Zane," Sensei praised, "We must focus on furthering brand awareness. And here are the fliers I want each of you to pass out in the city," Sensei began walking from Ninja to Ninja, giving them all a stack of papers. Lizz's eyebrows pulled together when she was given a stack as well.

 Jay groaned, "Ugh... If I have to pass all these out, I may be the one passed out!"

 With a quick whir of Spinjitzu, each of the Ninja were dressed in their new uniforms--including the tea-pot hats that matched the picture on their shirts, "Aren't we going to look a little dorky flying up on our Power Dragons with these things on?" Kai waved his free hand at the hat on his head.

 "Speak for yourself, Smith," Lizz snorted, "I can't fly," although it was nice to get out of her still kind-of-wet swimsuit, she still felt a little ridiculous. Shaking her head, she set their towels in a corner of the room.

 "You won't be flying on anything," Wu butted into their conversation, "We're selling tea. Not magic. Besides," he turned to face the rest of the group, "You have all been relying a little too heavily on your Elemental Powers lately. Real power comes from the inside."

 Lloyd set a gentle hand on Sensei Wu's shoulder, "It will be our honor, Sensei."

 Lizz snickered at how dorky Lloyd looked, but she couldn't really say anything as she looked just as whacked out. Suddenly, from behind the counter, Misako nodded at the phone, "Yes. Yes, right away. Thank you," she hung up the phone.

 "What, Ma?" Lizz looked at her newfound mother.

 "It's... the police," she glanced at the group, "They've asked for Lloyd. There's been a break in at the museum," she ended with a collective gasp from everyone.

 "Go on," Cole urged Lloyd, "I'll take your share," Cole took the posters from Lloyd's hand.

 "Thanks, Cole," Lloyd smiled, "I owe you one."

 "Aren't you going to kiss your mother goodbye?" Misako asked, reaching a little towards Lloyd.

 Lloyd paused and facepalmed--so did Lizz--and groaned, "Mom! We-we've talked about this!" he turned back to face her, "I-I'll catch you on the way back."

 Everyone broke into laughter at that until Sensei Wu broke it, "Remember! No powers!" The laughter then turned into gravelly groans, "Now," Sensei waved them all out the door, "Get to work, all of you."

 "Well," Lizz turned and led the way back out into the courtyard, "How are we getting to the city?" Since the tea shop is in the middle of No-Man's Land...

 "We walk," Kai started walking, then added under his breath, "At least until we're out of sight..." The others grinned to themselves and began following Kai down the road, all five of them breaking out at a flat run after a moment. 

 Lizz was the first around the bend, leaning against a power-line post as the others caught up, "You guys are kinda slow sometimes."

 "Maybe you just need to learn to slow down in life," Cole snarked lightly, Rocky II popping up behind him.

 Lizz felt really left out when she was the only one not sitting on a dragon and she sighed, "I am not getting on another one of your guys' dragon."

 "Are you walking the eight miles to the City, then?" Jay asked.

 "No," Lizz scrunched shut her eyes and concentrated as hard as she possibly could--which was kind of hard as she got distracted really easily. Whatever she was doing felt a great deal uncomfortable almost to the point of unbearable pain as it felt like a part of her was being torn away from the rest, "I'm-not!" she grunted out just as a flare of brilliant white light blinded the others from where Lizz was standing.

 When they gathered back their sight they saw she was standing in front of a sleek, dark blue dragon, it's large feet making heavy indents in the soft ground. Jay's mouth fell open, "Lizz..."

 Lizz cracked open her eyes and glanced around, her shoulders slumping, "Dammit. I thought I had it for sure this time," she sighed, "Whatever. Kai scootch over, guess I'm riding with you."

 "Lizz," Zane pointed behind her, "Look."

 Lizz turned around and jumped two feet in the air, a small squeak escaping her lips as she caught sight of the creature. White shimmered beneath its scales--just like any other Elemental Dragon--and it turned its head to nudge at Lizz with its snout, "Sweet..." she patted its nose and jumped on its back, grabbing the reins, "Alright, let's go!" 

 The feeling of finally being able to control her own dragon made Lizz more than happy. Along with that, her dragon was epically fast, it seemed, more aerodynamic than the others. Lizz sighed, glad about the sudden weight missing from her shoulders.

 "Lizz," Kai flew even with her, "You just created your dragon!" 

 "No way," she sneered, "Really? Are you sure? I don't think so, Kai. That seems impossible."

 Kai gave her a flat look, "Last one to NinjaGo has to pass out all the fliers!"

A/N: Yay Lizz mad an epic dragon for herself!

After two straight months of training and attempting it it finally worked! 


Have a nice day! 


One more thing:

Updates on this book may or may not halt after a few updates, because I want to get ahead in writing it in Docs before updating some more

Cuz, like, with TMN I had about 100 pages written and then I began posting more chapters on here

In this book right now, everything that is in the Doc is on Wattpad, so I kinda want to get ahead so I'm not falling behind or rushing or anything

Maybe after, like, Chapter Five or so, then I'll pause updates for a bit

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