Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: Alrighty, sorry this one took a little longer than expected. I had some things happening over the weekend and so I was kind of broken. I still am broken, but I'm trying to derail this emotional funk I'm in

And without further adieu, I give you this chapter thingy...


Someone -- several someones, were groaning, and Kai's groggy voice floated through the still air, "Did... did we make it?"

Lizz sat up, brushing her wild hair out of her eyes. Damn hood had already fallen down from the winds, "It's... foggy..."

The boys all sat up, pushing their parka hoods down as they looked around. Wherever they were, it was a light, homey and soft tannish colour, with much fog. Cole was in awe, being the first to spot the distant city, "The Cloud Kingdom..."

Jay was the first one standing, "Now... Let's find this Sword of Sanctuary."

Zane helped Lizz back up to her feet, and as a group they all began descending down the gentle slope towards the city. Yes, it was a very gentle slope, however Lizz's energy was depleted and so she really felt like just falling down the hill and letting gravity do the work for her.

Seriously, she hadn't eaten or slept in days. How did the boys do this on a daily basis? And for how many years? God...

Couple that with her beaten body... She began slowing down even more, beginning to stoop towards the ground, "I think... I think Imma just..." She was splayed out on the ground, half asleep, before she finished her sentence. She sighed contently; the clouds were so soft...

Then she giggled a little; just think about what Skales Jr. would think about her knowing what a freaking cloud felt like! He'd never believe her!

"Lizzi-" Kai knelt down next to her, and grunted in pain when her fist shot out and hit him in the thigh, "What the heck?!"

"You're not allowed to call me that," she mumbled, pulling open an eye, "Look. I am... dying. Just... can't you go on without me?"

"Lizz, that's not what a team does," Jay offered out his hand, "We'll keep you awake, alive and kickin', just like you do for each of us. Come on, all we need to do is get the sword, and we can go back and rest."

"Can someone carry me the rest of the way down?" it was a pathetic request, but her foot hurt like a mother. Usually when she'd ask to be carried, she'd be joking and refuse when whoever she'd asked agreed to carry her. But now she really meant it.

"Yes, I'll carry you," Kai agreed gently, brushing her bangs out of her face.

She took Kai's hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet. When she was standing, Kai almost immediately hooked his arm under her legs and swept her up like his bride-to-be, "Good?"

Lizz laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes already drooping. All she could make out was a hum of approval before she was drifting out of consciousness.

*    *    *

"Lizz, darling, wake up," Kai's soft voice was smooth, and she could feel herself tilting, "I'm setting your feet on the ground."

She was standing, now, still almost completely asleep and being held upright solely by Kai's arm around her waist. She hummed at him again., but snapped to attention when the wrought-iron gates in front of them began opening. A blurry figure was striding down the stone steps towards them, and as her vision cleared up, Lizz saw that it was an old man. He had his hands folded together in a passive form of greeting, and he was smiling gently at him. His grey hair hung in his eyes a little bit, and it reminded her of her father.

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