Chapter Nineteen

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.... hi.... sorry for not updating this in 89 years. Weirdness up and down in my life like you wouldn't friggin' BELIEVE

but here's this thing

Don't worry, though. More to come, and it's not gonna follow the entirety of Season 5 100%, so just deal with the play-by-play of Season 5 that I'm 999% sure y'all don't like reading cuz... why read it when you can just watch it

buT like I said. As soon as they get into the Tomb, sht's gon' change af

"I don't think he likes you two trying to break his record!" Kai glanced over at Jay and Lizz.

"There goes our good first impression," Cole groaned.

The group in entirety as backing away from the raging Bigfoot, who had decided that throwing a couch was better than using his claws. The couch in question parted the group like the Red Sea. Kai and Cole went to one side, and Lizz, Zane and Jay were forced to go the other way.

The thing continued forward, swiping angrily at the intruders, "I don't think he's happy to meet us..." Lizz's voice quivered as she spoke.

Jay and Cole tripped backwards over a rolled up yoga mat and a tipped bicycle respectively. Kai's foot caught on a toy snake, and when he grabbed onto Lizz for balance he ended up dragging her down with him.

At least her landing was cushioned by Kai.

Zane was the only one still on his feet, making him the main target, now, "Is this the Master Writer?!" he shouted, backing himself right into a tipped trash bin, "He's in charge of our destiny?!"

Kai rolled out from under Lizz and left her on the floor, disappearing behind her. She took that moment to stand up again, looking around. Kai had grabbed Zane out of the direct path of Bigfoot, and Cole had regrouped with Jay over by the front door, "Whoever he is," Cole turned and ran back around to the back of the room, "I don't think he's handing over the Sword."

Jay began frantically pulling at the doors, trying to yank them open, "It's locked!"

Lizz ran over to him, "What?!" she tried dislodging the doors, too.

Both of them were shouting, now, "Why would it be locked?!"

Lizz and Jay turned around just in time to notice they were trapped by Bigfoot. It raised a large, furry paw and swiped for Jay and Lizz -- quick as a wink, Lizz kicked Jay out of the way and found herself snatched up instead.

It cradled her in front of its face with both paws, now, paying no attention to Lizz's screaming. The screams died out, though, when she felt a hot buzzing surging through her body. It wasn't just a gentle tingling that ran under her skin, either, it felt like she was being cooked from the inside out.

Bigfoot tossed her carelessly off to the side. She landed on her rear end somewhere near Kai, and doubled over like a forgotten ragdoll, twitching with the shocks of power still ebbing through her. She'd been accidentally electrocuted by Jay once. It wasn't fun then, and it wasn't fun now, either, "Ow..."

Lizz flinched at how her voice sounded; weak. Broken. It cracked under the weight of her emotions, the weight of how much she wanted to curl into a ball and cry.

The other four were around her, now, "Lizz!" it was Jay, sounding exasperated, "What the hell?!"

Bigfoot wasn't about to let them sit and chat. It roared again, shaking the entire building as it staggered towards them. Jay pulled Lizz to her feet and pulled her out of harm's way with him as the group screeched and scattered.

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