Chapter Twelve

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A/N: I don't know what I'm doing anymore, so I apologize for about everything from this chapter on out



Shoutout to y'all who spend every waking minute of every day writin' stuff instead of 'doing something to contribute to society'

Quoting Mr. Robot:


Which is a legit thing, but it really stands for Fun Society

I swear


Lizz thwacked the back of his head, "Be more specific!" she huffed over Kai's groans of pain, "What did he tell you?"

Kai was still rubbing the back of his head, wincing, "Ow! Ronin just told me about Sensei Yang's Haunted Temple, damn!"

"Sensei who now?" Jay asked.

Zane then proceeded to jump into a long, bass-ackwards explanation about something--probably about Sensei Yang, though no one understood him. Cole put his hand over Zane's mouth, "We can't understand you, bud. Save your energy for when we can understand you, 'kay?"

Zane nodded and Cole took a deep breath, "What did Ronin tell you was in the Temple?."

"He didn't say," Kai ran a hand through his hair, "Just told me there's a way in there to learn Airjitzu."

"How exactly would he even know that?" Lizz snorted, but then turned to Cole and didn't hear the rest of the conversation that ensued, "You need to be checked out. You've probably got so many broken bones because of that fall, and most likely a concussion, too."

"I'm fine," Cole brushed her off.

Lizz smacked his shoulder, "You're getting checked out. We can't have our designated leader for tomorrow dying because he got bone marrow in his blood."

"Let's just catch a train out of here," Kai interrupted Cole's retort, walking towards the dock that led back to the mainland, "We need some place for Jay and Lizz to fix Zane."

"Actually, Jay's probably focusing more on Zane, since I have to make sure butthead back there doesn't have anything broken," Lizz told Kai, falling in step beside him, "Then I'll go monkey with Zane, you know? But, he's the better tinkerer between us, so he's more trusted."  


"Welcome to Yang's Haunted Temple!" the tour guide beamed at them. Lizz was squinting against the bright sunlight, wrinkling her nose in disgust; at both the sunlight and the peppy tour guide, "The historical landmark and the former home of Sensei Yang," everyone's attention averted to the mossy steel statue--similar to the one of Zane in NinjaGo Square--and began taking pictures of it, "The notorious Sensei without a pupil. Infamous for creating the lost martial art of Airjitzu," there was a chorus of noises of awe, "Unfortunately, we can't take our tour groups inside, for rumours say, anyone trapped inside it's walls at sunrise will be turned into a ghost. Permanently! But if you listen closely, maybe we'll be able to hear the ghost of Sensei Yang himself, looking for his lost pupils!"

"Can we leave yet?" Lizz hissed at Cole, who'd taken the lead for the day, as promised, "We know where it is, we can just come back tonight!"

"We're not leaving," Cole sassed, crossing his arms, "Just ignore the guide's happiness."

Lizz narrowed her eyes, "I don't think I quite like your tone-"

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