Chapter Nine

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A/N: This coulda been posted yesterday already, at, like, 11:30 pm when I finished it but I decided to wait

Warnings: Another curse word whoOOps

Flame-Dragon 2/4 ;)

One by one they each hopped off the train, walking down the long wooden boardwalk of the Village of Stiix. Kai, looking very hesitant at the water below, stepped up next to Lizz, "H-hey..."

Lizz inhaled slowly through her nose, "What, Kai?"

"I was just giving you back this," from his back holder he pulled her forgotten sword, "Y-you dropped it yesterday, fighting that ghost. Thought you might want it back?"  

Why the hell is he stuttering? Lizz slowly took her weapon from him, careful not to slice anyone's hands off, and slid it onto her back. OH! Maybe that's why... "Look, Kai... About what I said-"

"No, d-don't worry about it," he waved her off almost too quickly, "You're probably feeling more under stress than the rest of us because Lloyd is your brother, I can completely understand that," and with that rushed explanation Kai ran forward to regroup with the others.

"That was weird..."  

"Welcome to the Village of Stiix!" a fisherman up ahead greeted them, tugging his line gently, "Oh, and watch your step," he added, right before his gentle tugging turned to full blown yanking, "Ooh! I caught one!"

They all watched with small grimaces as the fisherman was pulled from the top of his post and into the water. Apparently the 'big one' he'd caught was a bit too big. Lizz, Cole, Zane and Jay all ran to the side to make sure the man was alright--he was. When they turned back to Kai he was on his ass, shaking, "I never knew you were afraid of heights," Jay commented, walking away with Zane and Lizz.  

Cole stayed back to hear Kai's argument, "I'm fine with heights. It's water I hate."

"Didn't seem to have a problem before," Zane shrugged it off, continuing walking.

"Before, I could make a Fire Dragon at will," Kai began wringing his hands as he slowly followed the group, "Since Morro's taken over Lloyd and our powers are gone, I haven't felt-Aahh!"

The board beneath Kai gave out, falling the hundred-some-odd feet to the water below. Cole ran over and grabbed Kai's hand, pulling back to safety, "Well, now that we know ghosts don't like water either, at least we should feel safe surrounded by it."

"This is about the time when Lizz would be really handy having her powers," Jay commented, glancing over at where he thought Lizz was, "Lizz?" he spun in a circle, "Um... where'd she go?"  

"I was down there," Lizz was suddenly directly behind Jay, talking on her phone, "It was quieter below the walkway without having to hear Cole flappin' his gums. I'm on the phone, you know," she put the phone back to her ear, "Yeah, Lar?"

"What the hell was that about?" Lar chuckled quietly.

"Nothing," Lizz waved it off, starting to walk into town more, "But you don't have your powers either?"

"No," Lar swiped a hand through his hair, "None of us do over here. Griffin is in a slump because he can't run laps around everyone, Ash won't leave anyone alone--you know how he likes to talk--even Paleman doesn't have his powers anymore!"

"Invìzáble? Really?" Lizz was taken aback, "What's he look like?"

"He's actually really attractive," Lizz could hear the lip bite in Lar's voice, "Nice jawline, baby blue eyes, dark, shaggy hair, nice olive-toned skin. But the voice," Lar shuddered, "Totally a turn-off."  

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