Chapter Thirty

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A/N: This was severely hard to write. Like, it's short and probably doesn't seem like it was that hard but I had no idea what was or is going on and I had to wrack my brain to get this over 500 words

And even 500 was pushing it

It's a little over 1100 words long, and Morro is so so very OOC it's not even funny but I wanna see if any of you make the connection of WHY he's OOC

Anyhoe here's this short ass filler chapter


Morro's wavering voice carried well over the empty waters, despite how weak he sounded, "Garmadon?"

No answer.

He began walking again, careful of the newly formed rifts and gaps in the docks. Did... did he do that...?

He had almost no recollection of what just happened. Blurs were still flashing through his mind, making him shrink in on himself. Lizz climbing to her feet, her eyes blazing-- literally glowing blue. Her skin and her outfit such a dark blue that it was almost black, cracked through with wisps of foamy white.

The absolute anger in her eyes, her voice...

Morro has never ever felt fear like that before. He kept peeking around buildings, looking for any sign of the other occupant of this body, but still nothing. No signs that anyone else had ever been there.

Perhaps the reason he'd been so terrified was because she was the master of the one thing that could permanently end his life, but even so... she was apparently a force to be reckoned with when you messed with her family.

And Morro had done just that...

But Lizz, however, he noted as he looked around, had almost completely destroyed the mental city she'd conjured up. Stiix was broken, even more than before. Whole buildings were leveled, sections of the docks taken out.

"Kid?" he stopped in front of a specifically large chunk of dock that was gone, too big for him to jump over. With a sigh, he turned full circle, "Kid, where are you?"

If he was alone in here... does that mean Lizz was--

No. "It couldn't have gotten that bad to the point where she..." Morro shuddered and turned back the way he came. At least, with the intense flooding she'd caused, the fog was lifting and he could finally see Stiix clearly, "Lizz? Kid, come on, we...we gotta talk. I gotta talk to you about something." Still, the only response he got was the gentle sounds of the calm waters below him.

I have to get out of here.

'Here'. He wasn't really sure what he meant by that, whether it was just the broken city of Stiix, Lizz's head or just away from what destruction he'd caused outside. Morro wasn't paying attention to where his legs were carrying him. Around corners, under toppled poles and over building wreckages. Luckily there weren't many flattened buildings that he could see; the docks apparently took most of the damage.

Who knew that someone's true potential could be so destructive.

Finally, he rounded the final corner to the dock that stretched to the mainland, and he skidded to a stop. Just barely in time, too; his toes were hanging over the jagged edge of what used to be the walkway. When he lifted his head, he saw that the mile or so long dock was completely gone.

Across the way, he could just barely make out a shape on the shoreline, and when he squinted and leaned forward enough, he could see it was kind of the shape of a person, and his cold, dead heart leapt, "Lizz!"

It had to be her. They were the only two people that were in her head, but... she wasn't moving. She was on her side facing towards him, but her hair was over her face. Even from this distance, she looked in rough shape. He wasn't sure what to do in this type of situation, but if anything from his years with Wu had stuck with him, it was the part about not leaving anyone behind. Or alone. Especially someone who was harmed or unconscious.

He just didn't really know how to do that.

It was too far to try Airjitzu, even if he could do it in here-- this was Lizz's head. With both of them in here, both of their control over stuff cancelled out. He couldn't conjure up weapons or other people, and he couldn't use his powers in here, just like she couldn't do any of that, either.

That is, until, he pissed her off enough to unlock her true potential. Then, she overpowered him and she overpowered him hard. Hard enough to scare the wits out of him and hard enough to destroy half of this façade she'd put up as a front in her head.

Obviously he couldn't swim over there, either. With a defeated sigh, he sat down, his legs dangling over the edge. After sitting there for a moment, he began to hear echoing voices from across the water. They sounded worried, but were too faint to make out where they were coming from or who was speaking.

We got you, don't worry... don't worry... it's going to be alright...

Help me get her inside!

Careful, she's-- we know, we know. No, we don't know how! Stop--don't-- be careful, please!

They faded in and out, just snippets of conversations, and after a while of straining to hear, Morro figured out that they were coming from outside.

Lay her in here, hurry!

Why is she--

I told you we don't know!

Was Lizz... ? No, she couldn't be dead. Something had to be wrong, but... she couldn't be dead. If his host body died, he would've -- probably -- been forced out. Morro scrunched his eyes shut and focused his hearing more.

---fading in and out...

I just--I just found her like that! Unconscious and a-a--

Stop. This isn't on you. Step back outside and take a moment. You've had a long couple weeks.

Has it been weeks? Already? Time was passing far more quickly in Lloyd's head than in Lizz's, though, that may have been because Lloyd did nothing but fight. No talking, no hiding. Just a blank, open, cobblestone Monastery courtyard to run around and fight in. Neither could've left if they even wanted to; destined to be trapped in that damn courtyard till the other gave up--

It was probably as torturous for Morro as it was for Lloyd.

I've never even heard of this happening--

Is it possible to merge full po--

That's ludicrous. That's never been done, never even heard of before in the history of Elemental Masters--

Known history--

Guys can we keep on task--

Lloyd, there's not much we can do until she wakes--

"What the hell is going on out there? Merging Elemental powers? That's--" Morro groaned and fell back on the dock, staring into the empty, cloudless sky. It seemed like it was getting drearier up there, too.

It set him on edge; if this Stiix was destroyed and the sky was getting dreary and grey, what did that mean for Lizz's mind...?

A/N: Any ideas on what's going on?

I'll tell you at the beginning of the next chapter

ALSO, next chapter is probably going to be the very last one. Otherwise, there's 2 more after this

Feedback is welcome but not mandatory 

Thank you guys for reading it this long <3

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